Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Instruction Groups Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Instruction Groups - Essay Example Thus, the teacher may have a number of high achievers in one group and low achievers in another. Students enter the system with varied levels of reading abilities and mathematical skills. Hence, it is common for teachers to practice within-class groupings for the teaching of Reading and Mathematics. Flexible grouping encompasses the arrangement of students based on their learning levels. Hence, students may not remain in the same group for an entire semester. The teacher closely monitors students’ progress to ascertain when students may have improved in a particular subject area. This student is then placed in a group that contains members of similar aptitude. However, a student may be excellent in one subject area yet weak in another. Regardless of the type of grouping used, the teacher should establish only two or three groups within the class for easier supervision and timely intervention. Each group should work on material that is suited to their unique needs and abilities. Some situations in which whole group instruction may occur include storytelling, the introduction of new concepts, ideas and skills, writing composition, poetry appreciation, dramatization of a story and the generation of a language experience chart. Specifically, there is a lure about story-telling that equalizes all students irrespective of their reading level or their ability in any other content area. For example in the telling of the story of Little Red Riding Hood, the teacher could read aloud this story, varying the intonation of the voice in order to portray different characters. All the students are allowed to participate in this session. However, at the end of the reading of the story, students can be divided into groups based on their ability or skill. Thus, the teacher of a third grade class for example, may ask each ability group to write a different ending to the story. At the end of the writing period, the

Monday, October 28, 2019

Film and Literature Essay Example for Free

Film and Literature Essay Literature and film feed at the same breast, considering the affinities between them. Since its very beginning, Hollywood has used works of fiction as source material for films. One of the most discussed adaptations is Francis Ford Coppola’s Film Apocalypse Now (1979) based on Joseph Conrad’s novel Heart of Darkness (1902). This paper compares and contrasts these works of art, arguing that while there are obvious differences, the film generally general remains true to the core meaning of the novel. One can say that Coppola’s film is a thematic and structural analogue to Conrads novel. Differences On the surface it seems that Apocalypse Now deviates largely Heart of Darkness. The differences can be seen in settings, events, characters, and other snippets of information such as quoted lines and strange actions of the major characters. The settings of the two stories are different and written in different periods of time. The setting of Conrads late nineteenth century novel is the Belgian Congo in the 1890s. By contrast, Coppolas 1979 film takes place in Southeast Asia in the 1960s during the Vietnam War. In addition, the novel centers on Charles Marlow, a British sailor employed by a European trading company as captain of one of their steamboats, whereas the film focuses on an American army officer, Benjamin Willard. Another major difference is that the ivory traders are in the Congo of their own greed and free will, whereas the American soldiers are drafted into Vietnam and engage in the war against their will. At the first glance, there seem to be character differences in the novel and film – Copollas Willard is nothing like Conrads Marlow. In the novel, Marlow is very eager to meet Kurtz and perhaps gain knowledge about the secrets of the ivory trade in the former Zaire. On the other hand, Willard seems to have a death wish. Copolla portrays Willard as a depressed human, having a soldiers killer instinct, throughout the entire film. The effectiveness of point of view also differentiates the novel and the film. While it is true that Willard remains on the screen more than anyone else in Apocalypse Now, and his comments are often heard on the films sound track, viewers still do not see others completely from his perspective as readers do in Heart of Darkness. Hence, the film is robbed of some of the emotional intensity that one feels when one reads the novel. This is simply because the narrator in the novel communicates his subjective reaction to the episodes from the past. In the film, the audience does not grasp the extent to which the narrator is profoundly affected by Kurtzs tragedy. Many of Marlows sage reflections about Kurtzs life and death are absent in the film. Moreover, while Coppola successfully creates a staggering experience of the wars madness, he seems to confuse the moral issues. This is perhaps because of his view of personalizing the novel. The director identifies so strongly with Kurtz that he modifies the issue of power and disturbs the delicate balance between Conrads story and the subject of Vietnam. Apocalypse Now succeeds in making its viewers experience the horror of the war and to realize their own complicity in it, but it fails to highlight the nature of Kurtzs horror illuminated in Heart of Darkness. Coppolas failure to combine Conrads story and the Vietnam War in this respect points largely to The films adaptation of Kurtz. In the novel, Kurtz is corrupted by his isolation in the wilderness, resulting in an obsession with power and unfolding frightening truths about himself: I think it had whispered to him things about himself which he did not know, things of which he had no conception till he took counsel with his great solitude-and the whisper had proved irresistibly fascinating. It echoed loudly within him because he was hollow at the core. (133) in the film, Coppola tries to resonate Kurtz’s â€Å"hollowness† by having the character recite The Hollow Men by T. S. Eliot. But this can be seen as more of an emblematic solution that does not somewhat applies in the Vietnam War context. Parallels While the settings, backgrounds, characters, and approaches of the novel and film are somehow different, the narration, structure, and that theme are similar. The following paragraphs summarize some of the essential parallels between Conrads Heart of Darkness and Coppola’s Apocalypse Now. In the novel, Marlow introduces his narrative with a passage about â€Å"devotion to efficiency†, the idea behind how the ivory trade makes profit, justifying cruel exploitation (Kinder 16). This statement is also applicable to the Vietnam War context as they are both in the stages of Western imperialism: The conquest of the earth, which mostly means the taking it away from those who have a different complexion or slightly flatter noses than ourselves, is not a pretty thing when you look into it too much. What redeems it is the idea only. An idea at the back of it; not a sentimental pretence but an idea: and an unselfish belief in the idea-something you can set up and bow down before, and offer a sacrifice to. (70) Coppola does not retain this speech in the film, but it becomes the groundwork for the dramatic events that unite Kurtz and Williard: the former’s recounting of the inoculation story and the latters murder of a wounded Vietnamese woman. The two are driven into a situation in which â€Å"military efficiency is totally undermined, yet they have been trained to worship it and to internalize it as the source of their own personal pride† (Kinder 16). In the novel, although Kurtz embodies all of Europe, he can be viewed as a â€Å"universal genius† who shows what lies ahead for those who take the challenge to look into the abyss. Despite the shortcomings in the handling of Kurtz, Copollas conception of film remains a masterful work that complements the power of Conrads vision. The novel and the film embody the theme of insanity and madness and insanity caused by the evil of imperialism. Madness in the novel is the result of being removed from ones normal environment and how people cope with their new environment. The same theme is explored in the film. Many soldiers who are drafted into Vietnam are barely 18 or 19-year-olds. Their mental stability is shaken when they are thrown into a harsh environment, where their lives hang on by the minute. Soldiers such as Lance and Chef are ready to snap at any moment due to the shock and realization of what kind of situation they are in or what is the purpose of fighting fellow men. They also fear the fact that they do not know where they are headed. Copolla and Conrad literally and metaphorically confront the madness and insanity brought about by Western imperialism and colonialism. Through Kurtz and the American soldiers, Copolla is able to portray what war is like for them, and why so many of them suffered from Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome. The film suggests that wars are an imperialist tool that drives the weak into their destruction. On the other hand, Conrad exposes how the imperialist agenda leads to the exploitation of foreign lands and its people, leaving the imperialist agents themselves deranged and empty (Papke 583). Both the novel and the film also give rise to a race discussion. Conrad and Coppola portray White men as the dominant. They not only rule over their respective crews; they also dominate the local peoples. Marlow and Willard look at the native people as if are the savage culture and White men are the civilized one. But it is interesting to note that each of the two main characters see a little of himself in Kurtz, a degenerated savage White man. Coppola’s take on Conrad’s Heart of Darkness has gained much attention from film scholars. In â€Å"The Power of Adaptation in Apocalypse Now†, Marsha Kinder states that â€Å"Coppola rarely hesitates to change Conrads story-setting, events, characters-whenever the revision is required by the Vietnam context. † (14) Moreover, the dialogues in the film, especially Willards voice-over narration, have been attacked by several film critics for sounding more like a parody of author Raymond Chandler than an adaptation of Conrads novel. But a deeper look suggests that Willards character and tone are not intended to be Marlows. To suit the Vietnam context, Willard has been totally transformed into a trained assassin, whose life has been drained of all meaning. Coppola retains Conrads focal image of the river. In the film, just as in the novel, each of the main characters embarks on a literal and metaphoric central journey. Marlows description of the Congo is an enormous snake uncoiled that fascinates him as a snake would a bird. The films structure is controlled by the image of the river â€Å"that snaked through the war like a main circuit cable,† carrying Willard to Cambodia. The novel and the film begin with the protagonists explanation of how they got the appointment which necessitated their excursion upriver. Marlow is dispatched to steam up the Congo in to find Mr. Kurtz, while Willard is mandated to journey up the Mekong River in a navy patrol boat to find Col. Kurtz. Moreover, while they travel up a primeval river to fulfill their respective assignments, they speculate about the character of the man they are seeking, with the help of the information they have pieced together about him. In both novel and film, the river eventually leads Marlow and Willard to Kurtz and his dying words of horror (Kinder 15). This final destination for both men is their soul-altering confrontation with Kurtz. Overall, it is an expedition of discovery into the dark heart of man. It is also a close encounter with mans capacity for evil. Coppola agrees with this observation and stated that he also saw Willards voyage upriver as a representation for the journey of life that people take within themselves and during which they decide which side to take: good or evil. The horror of the world dominated by hollow men is at the center of both Heart of Darkness and Apocalypse Now. Kurtz, in his god-like acousmatic voice and morally terrifying manifestation, is invested with much greatness: He fully understands existence in all its repugnance. Repelled and terrified Kurtz pushed himself to go into the very heart of darkness, to fully engage in the dualism (good and evil) of Being. To call Kurtz heroic or rapacious or good or evil, is to miss the point entirely. He is forever shaped by a dark satori, by an understanding of the omnipresent nature of darkness. Marlow and Willard are arguably Kurtzs spiritual sons, and they experience the same realization. Both of them look full face at the great condemnation, at the dark obscurity of Being. Each of them faces moral terror in the shape human conduct forced beyond decent limits; and each of them is profoundly transformed by this experience. In her book, Double Exposure: Fiction Into Film, Joy Could Boyum states that â€Å"in substituting Willard for Marlow, a madman for a sane one,† Coppola creates a character incapable of â€Å"any shock of recognition,† a man unable to â€Å"know evil when he sees it† (114). Boyum also argues that there is no discovery for Willard; he is a â€Å"murderer confronting a murder, a madman face to face with madness-it amounts only to a tautology. † Thus, Copollas Apocalypse Now can be argued as a movie that has no moral center. Unlike Willard, Marlow returns from the river experience with intact moral perspective and sanity, inviting the readers trust and identification. But one can also say that, like Apocalypse Now, Conrads Heart of Darkness, itself, is a novel that has no moral center. The book suggests that Marlows great realization is that existence itself has no moral heart. The character has not sustained the river journey with his intact moral perspective unchanged. Towards the end of the novel, Marlow is a transformed man, largely isolated and very different from those people aboard the Nellie. He is alienated forever in his wisdom. Willard, too, in the end, is vastly separated by his new knowledge. While many critics see Willard as immoral, insane, and unchanging, Kurtzs view of him is more fitting. In the film, Kurtz describes Willard when he sees him for the first time as â€Å"an errand boy sent by grocery clerks to collect a bill. † But in the end, Willard becomes wiser. He has been transformed, humbled by his face-to-face confrontation with the darkness natural in Kurtz, in himself, in existence. Therefore, the separate stories of Willards and Marlows river experiences follow a similar narrative pattern and arrive at a similar truth. Apocalypse Now is a thematic and structural analogue to Heart of Darkness. This is perhaps because, Copolla, in his authorial wisdom, fully understood that theme and technique, meaning, and structure are inseparable entities. To tell a story differently is to tell a different story. It seems that, ultimately, Copolla and Conrad tell the same story. Conclusion This paper looks at the differences and parallelisms between Conrad’s Heart of Darkness and Coppola’s Apocalypse Now. In comparing and contrasting the novel and the film, this paper suggests that the film has some significant deviation from the novel. Despite this, however, Apocalypse Now generally remains true to the core of Heart of Darkness. Both the novel and the film follow the same story line but Conrad and Copolla have different ways of presenting this story. This results in surface differences. But a deeper and closer reading of both the novel and the film reveals that they complement each other. This is one of the most important things in adapting a work of literature into a film. Works Cited Boyum, Joy Gould. Double Exposure: Fiction Into film. New York: Universe Books, 1985. Conrad, Joseph. Heart of Darkness. New York: New American Library, 1950. Kinder, Marsha. â€Å"The Power of Adaptation in ‘Apocalypse Now’†. Film Quarterly 33. 2 (1979-1980): 12-20. Papke, David Ray. â€Å"Joseph Conrads Heart of Darkness: A Literary Critique of Imperialism. † Journal of Maritime Law and Commerce 31. 4 (2000): 583-592.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

My Friends Tell Me I am Not an Atheist :: Personal Narrative essay about myself

My Friends Tell Me I am Not an Atheist    It's remarkable how many of my friends insist I am not an atheist. It seems pretty obvious to me that I don't believe any god exists, and that pretty much makes me an atheist. Nevertheless, here these people are, so insistent that I cannot possibly be an atheist. "You're too nice," they say, or "you really believe, you just don't know it" (how's that again?). Sometimes I hear something like "You believe in something, and that is really god" or "you are still looking, but you'll find Him" (he's invited to stop by my house at any time). When I have the time to converse with these people, however, it usually comes down to this: I'm really an agnostic, they say, because I am willing to admit that I don't know there isn't any god. It is apparently so important for people to believe that I'm "really just an agnostic" that I find this to be a haunting sign of the hold religion has on people. It is tragic that the mere thought of a good friend or relative being an actual, avowed atheist is s o horrible that it must be denied. Sometimes I have the chance to explain that I am an atheist not because I know there isn't a god, but because I don't believe there is. If someone insisted that their pet fish could talk, I really couldn't say I knew it didn't, especially if I could not go and see for myself, but it would still be fair for me to say that there are no talking fish. The relevance of this is that I do not believe god exists any more than I believe fish can talk. Certainly, I have not examined all species of fish, nor every single fish for that matter, nor could I ever accomplish such a feat, but the claim that they exist is so contrary to my own personal experience and reliable facts that I simply will not believe it unless very definitive proof is provided. Of course, if I visit someone's pet fish and it talks to me, I am still wiser to test the possibilities of trickery or insanity before believing it can really talk. But if I found many fish that talked, trustworthy people confirmed it, scientists pu blished carefully researched papers about them, and newspaper headlines read "INCREDIBLE DISCOVERY: TALKING FISH!" then it would be more than reasonable to believe they existed. My Friends Tell Me I am Not an Atheist :: Personal Narrative essay about myself My Friends Tell Me I am Not an Atheist    It's remarkable how many of my friends insist I am not an atheist. It seems pretty obvious to me that I don't believe any god exists, and that pretty much makes me an atheist. Nevertheless, here these people are, so insistent that I cannot possibly be an atheist. "You're too nice," they say, or "you really believe, you just don't know it" (how's that again?). Sometimes I hear something like "You believe in something, and that is really god" or "you are still looking, but you'll find Him" (he's invited to stop by my house at any time). When I have the time to converse with these people, however, it usually comes down to this: I'm really an agnostic, they say, because I am willing to admit that I don't know there isn't any god. It is apparently so important for people to believe that I'm "really just an agnostic" that I find this to be a haunting sign of the hold religion has on people. It is tragic that the mere thought of a good friend or relative being an actual, avowed atheist is s o horrible that it must be denied. Sometimes I have the chance to explain that I am an atheist not because I know there isn't a god, but because I don't believe there is. If someone insisted that their pet fish could talk, I really couldn't say I knew it didn't, especially if I could not go and see for myself, but it would still be fair for me to say that there are no talking fish. The relevance of this is that I do not believe god exists any more than I believe fish can talk. Certainly, I have not examined all species of fish, nor every single fish for that matter, nor could I ever accomplish such a feat, but the claim that they exist is so contrary to my own personal experience and reliable facts that I simply will not believe it unless very definitive proof is provided. Of course, if I visit someone's pet fish and it talks to me, I am still wiser to test the possibilities of trickery or insanity before believing it can really talk. But if I found many fish that talked, trustworthy people confirmed it, scientists pu blished carefully researched papers about them, and newspaper headlines read "INCREDIBLE DISCOVERY: TALKING FISH!" then it would be more than reasonable to believe they existed.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Folk Custom Essay

Chapter OneA General Introduction to Folk Customs 1. Folk customs: a definition Folk customs, or folk ways, comprise the part of cultural life that people of a country or nation have created, practiced and transmitted in their endeavors to satisfy their needs at various stages of their history and society. Deep-rooted in the cultural life of a community, folk customs are passed down from generation to generation in a temporal dimension and spread from one place to another in a spatial dimension. In the history of human society, folk customs have evolved from naught to existence, from simple to complex. In primitive society, a common folk custom was to eat animal flesh raw and drink its blood and to live in caves or hollows. With the development of society, the material life, the related organizational forms of social life, wedding ceremonies, funerals, and etiquettes came into being, and by and by they are established as folkways, or folk customs. In China, for instance, chopsticks are used at meals, which is a Chinese folk custom. Northerners eating jiaozi and southerners eating rice cakes in Chinese New Year Festival, all people eating moon-cakes on Mid-Autumn Day and greeting each other with â€Å"Have you eaten? are all Chinese folk customs. Folk customs are shared and practiced by members of a nation in their daily life. There are folk customs governing the daily life of people, traditional festivals, various stages of life, as well as ideological aspects of social life. The various taboos in life are highly ideological. For example, the taboo against sweeping the floor from December 30 to January 2 on the Chinese lunar calendar resulted from the folk belief that this would affect the luck of wealth in the coming year. Some folk customs, as they originated from religious beliefs, carry a strong religious flavor by laying down rules for marriages, wedding funerals, and diet of believers. Every nation has some folk customs, ways of life or national styles that distinguish itself from other nations. People of that nation have a strong affection for these distinctive ways and recognize them as national symbols. Prevalent in a society with people hardly knowing them, folk customs apply to such matters as clothing, eating, living, transportation, decorum and etiquette, and manners of getting along with others. In this sense, folk customs are basic forms of national culture that may directly reflect and influence the material and spiritual life of a country or nation. 2. Characteristics of folk customs 1. 2. 1 Collectiveness The birth and transmission of folk customs is both social and collective. From the very beginning, their creation and development involve the participation of a group and reflect the mentality, linguistic and behavioral patterns of that group. For instance, the wedding ceremony is an activity attended by members of a particular group, as the would-be couple need win social recognition through this ceremony. . 2. 2 Regionality Geographical surroundings exert a strong influence over human life, thus the regionality of folk customs. Take for example the Mongolians in northern China. They used to be a nomadic people, and now animal husbandry is still their major concern, for the reason that the chief regions they inhabit are more suitable for animal husbandry in terms of na tural resources. The Hezhen people use dog-sledges and go for hunting and fishing, and the Oroqen people go hunting on horseback, all for the sake of their geographical surroundings. 1. 2. Transmissiveness and disseminativeness Folk customs are established through passing down from one generation to the next; they exist and disseminate in a certain area. The earlier they were created and the stronger functions they perform, the more areas the folk customs are disseminated to. The practice of giving New Year money to the young generation, for example, has been observed in all places year after year. 1. 2. 4 Relative stability and variability Once established, folk customs will become a stable part of life. The more stable a society, the more stable its folk customs. However, folk customs are liable to change with the development of society. Take for example the Chinese wedding ceremony. In the past, the Han people used jiaozi (old-fashioned sedan chair) to take the bride from her childhood home to the bridegroom’s house, but now they use cars. Stability contributes to the preservation of folk customs, and variability to their development. 3. Classification of Folk Customs Folk customs are numerous and complicated, and are developing day by day. It is universally acknowledged among researchers that folk customs fall into the following eight categories. . 3. 1 Folk customs of production Folk customs of production grow out of various production activities, including agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, fishing, handicraft industry, service industry, etc. In the history of human beings, these customs have played a role in ensuring production efficiency.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Library System Essay

Technology has already become one of the essentials of a person’s daily living. Without it, life would be much more complicated for people will still always have to do things manually. It has already helped billions of people here on the planet. It simply makes life much easier. It makes tasks easier and faster to accomplish. Furthermore, technology has already been a part of our daily lives. It is everywhere; from the simplest things like mobile phones to the biggest machineries. It is already given to people and it’s up to you to maximize its use to the fullest. Technology is needed everywhere; grocery stores, malls, offices and especially in schools. Not only should the students learn how to use technology, computers to be exact. It also has to be learned by the instructors to keep up with this fast-growing computer age. In line with this, they also need it to ease their tasks from calculating grades to simple library systems. Handling a library could be a very complicated task as you need to keep an updated list of the books being used, borrowed and returned. Also, a librarian’s task is to organize these books so that it would be easier to find. Most libraries still stick to the manual system from long ago. This makes their job more complicated and more time consuming. A library system is important to a library to make the job for looking, arranging, borrowing and returning of books simpler with just a couple of clicks. Books would be much easier to find and borrowing and returning of books would be updated easily. With everything systemized and automatic, it will lessen the job of the librarian. 1. 1Background of the Study San Roque Catholic School is parochial catholic school located beside San Roque de Alabang Parish, Mendiola, Alabang, Muntinlupa City. It was established in 1981 by parish priest, Monsignor Tomas T. Gonzales. Its first batch was made up of one hundred forty one students which were divided into three sections. It was in 1982 when its three-storey building was begun to be built, due to the increase of the population of the students in the following year. Their first principal was Miss Lydia Santos. For 31 years, San Roque Catholic School has been providing affordable, high quality education to its students aiming to cultivate spirituality, evangelize and spread Christianity. In the present, San Roque Catholic School has a population of about nine hundred to one thousand two hundred students and approximately 20-25 faculty members. It already has two campuses: The main which is the original building and the annex that serves as the building for the elementary students which is in Ilaya, Alabang, Muntinlupa City. The school library is located at the 3rd floor of St. Roch building. It was built by joining two rooms together. Half of the library contains the librarian’s desk, books, and tables. The other side is where magazines, newspapers, computer units, and the latest books are. The number of books hasn’t grown that much for the past years. It has approximately 1000-1500 books. An average of 10-20 classes visits the library every day. Almost half of the class borrows books. Although they already have an existing library system, the librarian still finds it inefficient to manage the books for the students. On our system, we have our current features; Login system with History log, for security on the administrators and assistants. The system has simple processes like add, edit & archive a book to database, and Filtered book search results. Has a book preview pane, gives the librarian the image of the front page of the book. Have Corporate GUI design that is neat and user friendly. Everyday alert, gives the librarian each updates on everyday processes and transactions. Daily, Weekly & Monthly Reports and has an penalty which is very convenient. 1. 2 Statement of the Problem After gathering information, the proponents found the following problems: General Problem The school manual library system is time consuming and is sometimes inaccurate. This doubles the job at hand. The proponents also found out that the penalty of the due books is sometimes miscalculated by the manual system, which can hinder the library’s implementation of rules against overdue books. It usually takes long for the librarian to accommodate many borrowers at a time because of the system’s process. Specific Problem 1. The system cannot view the content of each book when borrowing. 2. The system process is not easy. 3. The system lacks of security. 4. The system cannot confirm the identity of the book that is being borrowed. 5. The system’s process of updating information is time-consuming. 6. The system’s catalogue process is manually maintained. 1. 3 Objectives of the Study This study was made in order to achieve the following points: 1. 3. 1 General Objectives To develop an efficient and user-friendly library system for San Roque Catholic School that will ease the process of the system. 1. 3. 2 Specific Objectives 1. To create a system that will preview the content of each book; 2. To build a system that has an easy to use-all in-one interface; 3. To make a multiple user-account system. 4. A system that will preview the cover of each book. 5. System that will be able to update the information on each book. 6. To develop a system that is cataloguing ready. 1. 4 Significance of the Study The system is being fulfilled in order to benefit the following: †¢ School Administrator The system will ease the inventory of the library system. Determining the number of available copies and the number of copies needed for each book won’t take much time. †¢ School Librarian The system will avoid long lines when students borrow books at the same time thus, it will make the job much easier and more time constraint. It won’t be a hassle tracking down penalty fees anymore. †¢ Students The system will make it easier to browse books without checking every shelf for its availability. †¢ Future Proponents The system will serve as guide for future use and also a practice for aspiring programmers. 1. 5 Scope and Limitations The scope of this study: The Study is conducted at San Roque Catholic School. Therefore, we’ve managed to produce a few scopes on the system. †¢ The User Interface We will be focusing more on making the system more user-friendly. †¢ Borrowing System. The system allows viewing of borrowers and books for the librarian. The system is able to retrieve the books borrowed date and return date. †¢ Catalogues The catalogues are printable whether it is single or multiple. †¢ Preview of Book Cover The book cover is able to be previewed using the library system without needing to search for the book in the shelves of the library. †¢ Overdue penalties The system is able to track down the number of days the book is overdue and as well as the total penalty to be paid by the borrower. The limitations of this study: The system that we’ve created has few limitations, issues like lack of time, Error Fixings and Maintenance. †¢ Weekly Reports This feature has been implemented but it is not yet accurate. †¢ Library Cards This feature cannot be implemented in our system due to technical difficulties. Methodology The researchers decided to use the prototyping paradigm. Prototype systems development methodology in which a prototype is built, tested, and then reworked as necessary until an acceptable prototype is finally achieved from which the complete system or product can now be developed. This paradigm is very helpful to the group because the system can be adjusted frequently even the small details to make the system effective to the library. System Development Life Cycle Planning Phase In this Phase, is to plan and achieve the client’s perspective on their said features, think all possible problems that may appear while building the system and how to create that system in efficient way and not time consuming. Analysis Phase Phase that focus on all errors or problems can be acquired, how to resolve it and meet all the expectations of the clients. Design Phase In this Phase, To create a system that is very easy to use, have a well organized codes, have a user friendly GUI and meets all requirements needed to impress the clients. Implementation Phase Where the system is finished, all data are converted, resolve all possible errors during on designing and until its ready to install on their computer. Its smooth and efficiency makes the system great on quick processes. Maintenance Phase This phase checks and maintains the system for unspecified or unexpected errors that have been occurred after using it. The system can also be updated, giving it a better performance on each task.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Overview of information tecnology in the UK essays

Overview of information tecnology in the UK essays The United Kingdom is located north of France and east of Ireland and is made up of England, Whales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland. It has an overall population of about 60 million people. The UK is at the forefront of Western Europe in the information technology arena. They have one of the most developed telecommunications system in the world that provides 100% demand satisfaction with no wait time. The government is attempting to provide all its services online and strongly supports the development of information technology in all areas. The UK has several science and research and development parks run by their universities that work to develop new technologies and enhance the regions IT capabilities. They are ranked as one of the most advanced IT countries in the world; however they still lag behind the U.S. and a few other countries in internet usage and E-commerce capabilities. Despite their willingness to move forward in the realm of information technology they are very conservative and venture capital is sometimes hard to come by, in addition to this they have some stringent laws and taxes that both ease and hinder internet usage and capabilities. The United Kingdom has one of the best telecommunication systems in the world. It is a world leader in the terms of speed, development, expertise in transmissions, and software, opto-electrics and manufacturing of equipment in this area. They use a mix of buried cables, microwave systems, and fiber optics to create their in country infrastructure and have 30,938,000 conventional phone lines in place. Their international telecommunications infrastructure is also very strong and is devised of 40 coaxial submarine cables, 10 Interstat earth satellite stations, 1 Immarstat, 1 Eurtestat satellite stations and at least 10 international switching centers. This strong infrastructure is due mainly to deregulation of the telecommunications industry and liberalizatio...

Monday, October 21, 2019

C for Beginners - Learn About C

C for Beginners - Learn About C C is a general purpose programming language invented in the early 1980s by Bjarne Stroustrup at Bell Labs. It is similar to C, invented in the early 1970s by Dennis Ritchie, but is a safer language than C and includes modern programming techniques such as object-oriented programming. You can read more about object-oriented programming. C was originally called C with Classes and is so compatible with C that it will probably compile more than 99% of C programs without changing a line of source code. This was a deliberate design feature by the designer. Here are a short overview and history of C. The purpose of C is to precisely define a series of operations that a computer can perform to accomplish a task. Most of these operations involve manipulating numbers and text, but anything that the computer can physically do can be programmed in C. Computers have no intelligence- they have to be told exactly what to do and this is defined by the programming language you use. Once programmed they can repeat the steps as many times as you wish at very high speed. Modern PCs are so fast they can count to a billion in a second or two. What Can a C Program Do? Typical programming tasks include  putting data into a database or pulling it out, displaying high-speed graphics in a game or video, controlling electronic devices attached to the PC or even playing music and/or sound effects. You can even write software to generate music or help you compose. Is C the Best Programming Language? Some computer languages were written for a specific purpose. Java was originally devised to control toasters, C for programming Operating Systems, Pascal to teach good programming techniques but C is a general purpose language and well deserves the Swiss Pocket Knife of Languages nickname. Some tasks can be done in C but not very easily, for example designing GUI screens for applications. Other languages like Visual Basic, Delphi and more recently C# have GUI design elements built into them and so are better suited for this type of task. Also, some scripting languages that provide extra programmability to applications like MS Word and even Photoshop tend to be done in variants of Basic, not C. You can find out more about the other computer languages and how they stack up against C. Which Computers Have C? This is better stated as which computers dont have C! The answer- almost none, it is so widespread. It is a nearly universal programming language and can be found on most microcomputers all the way up to big computers costing millions of dollars. There are C compilers for just about every type of operating system.   How Do I Get Started With C? First, you need a C compiler. There are many commercial and free ones available. The list below has instructions for downloading and installing each of the compilers. All three are completely free and include an IDE to make life easier for you to edit, compile and debug your applications. Download and Install Borlands Turbo C ExplorerDownload and Install Microsofts Visual C 2005 Express EditionDownload and Install Open Watcom C/C Compiler The instructions also show you how to enter and compile your first C application. How Do I Begin Writing C Applications? C is written using a text editor. This can be notepad or an IDE like those supplied with the three compilers listed above. You write a computer program as a series of instructions (called statements) in a notation that looks a little like mathematical formulas. This is saved out in a text file and then compiled and linked to generate machine code which you then can run. Every application you use on a computer will have been written and compiled like this, and many of them will be written in C. Read more about compilers and how they work. You cant usually get hold of the original source code unless it was open source. Is There Plenty of C Open Source? Because it is so widespread, much open source software has been written in C. Unlike commercial applications, where the source code is owned by a business and never made available, open-source code can be viewed and used by anyone. Its an excellent way to learn coding techniques.   Could I Get a Programming Job? Certainly. There are many C jobs out there and an immense body of code exists that will need updating, maintaining and occasionally rewriting. The top three most popular programming languages according to the quarterly survey, are Java, C, and C. You could write your own games but youll need to be artistic or have an artist friend. Youll also need music and sound effects. Find out more about game development. Perhaps a professional 9-5 career would suit you better- read about a professional career or perhaps consider entering the world of software engineering writing software to control nuclear reactors, aircraft, space rockets or for other safety-critical areas. What Tools and Utilities Are There? Well if you cant find what you want, you could always write it. That is how most of the tools around came into existence.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Importance of the Math Concept Area

Importance of the Math Concept Area Area is a mathematical term defined as the two-dimensional space taken up by an object, notes, adding that the use of area has many practical applications in building, farming, architecture, science, and even how much carpet youll need to cover the rooms in your house. Sometimes the area is quite easy to determine. For a square or rectangle, the area is the number of square units inside a figure, says Brain Quest Grade 4 Workbook. Such polygons have four sides, and you can determine the area by multiplying the length by the width. Finding the area of a circle, however, or even a triangle can be more complicated and involves the use of various formulas. To truly understand the concept of area- and why its important in business, academics, and everyday life- its helpful to look at the history of the math concept, as well as why it was invented. History and Examples Some of the first known writings about area came from Mesopotamia, says Mark Ryan in Geometry for Dummies, 2nd Edition. This high school math teacher, who also teaches a workshop for parents and has authored numerous math books, says that the Mesopotamians developed the concept to deal with the area of fields and properties: Farmers knew that if one farmer planted an area three times as long and twice as wide as another farmer, then the bigger plot would be 3 x 2 or six times as large as the samller one. The concept of area had many practical applications in the ancient world and in past centuries, Ryan notes: The architects of the pyramids at Giza, which were built about 2,500 B.C., knew how large to make each triangular side of the structures by using the formula for finding the area of a two-dimensional triangle.The Chinese knew how to calculate the area of many different two-dimensional shapes by about 100 B.C.Johannes Keppler, who lived from 1571 to 1630, measured the area of sections of the orbits of the planets as they circled the sun using formulas for calculating the area of an oval or circle.Sir Isaac Newton used the concept of area to develop calculus. So ancient humans, and even those who lived up through the Age of Reason, had many practical uses for the concept of area. And the concept became even more useful in practical applications once simple formulas were developed to find the area of various two-dimensional shapes. Formulas to Determine the Area Before looking at the practical uses for the concept of area, you first need to know formulas for finding the area of various shapes. Fortunately, there are many formulas used to  determine the area of polygons, including these most common ones: Rectangle A rectangle is a special type of quadrangle where all the interior angles are equal to 90 degrees and all opposite sides are the same length. The formula for finding the area of a rectangle is: A H x W where A represents the area, H is the height, and W is the width. Square A square is a special type of a rectangle, where all the sides are equal. Because of that, the formula for finding a square is simpler than that for finding a rectangle: A S x S where A stands for the area and S represents the length of one side. You simply multiply two sides to find the area, since all sides of a square are equal. (In more advanced math, the formula would be written as A S^2, or area equals side squared.) Triangle A triangle is a three-sided closed figure. The perpendicular distance from the base to the opposite highest point is called the height (H). So the formula would be: A  ½ x B x H where A, as noted, stands for the area, B is the base of the triangle, and H is the height. Circle The area of a circle is the total area that is bounded by the circumference or the distance around the circle. Think of the area of the circle as if you drew the circumference and filled in the area within the circle with paint or crayons. The formula for the area of a circle is: A   Ãâ‚¬ x r^2 In this formula, A, is, again, the area, r represents the radius (half the distances from one side of the circle to the other), and Ï€ is a Greek letter pronounced pi, which is 3.14 (the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter). Practical Applications There are many authentic and real-life reasons where you would need to calculate the area of various shapes. For instance, suppose you are looking to sod your lawn; you would need to know the area of your lawn in order to purchase enough sod. Or, you may wish to lay carpet in your living room, halls, and bedrooms. Again, you need to calculate the area to determine how much carpeting to purchase for the various sizes of your rooms. Knowing the formulas to calculate areas will help you determine the areas of the rooms. For example, if your living room is 14 feet by 18 feet, and you want to find the area so that you can buy the correct amount of carpet, you would use the formula for finding the area of a rectangle, as follows: A H x WA 14 feet x 18 feetA 252 square feet. So you would need 252 square feet of carpet. If, by contrast, you wanted to lay tiles for your bathroom floor, which is circular, you would measure the distance from one side of the circle to the other- the diameter- and divide by two. Then you would apply the formula for finding the area of the circle as follows: A   Ãâ‚¬(1/2 x D)^2 where D is the diameter, and the other variables are as described previously. If the diameter of your circular floor is 4 feet, you would have: A   Ãâ‚¬ x (1/2 x D)^2A Ï€ x (1/2 x 4 feet)^2A 3.14 x (2 feet)^2A 3.14 x 4 feetA 12.56 square feet You would then round that figure off to 12.6 square feet or even 13 square feet. So you would need 13 square feet of tile to complete your bathroom floor. If you have a really original-looking room in the shape of a triangle, and you want to lay carpet in that room, you would use the formula for finding the area of a triangle. Youd first need to measure the base of the triangle. Suppose you find that the base is 10 feet. Youd measure the height of the triangle from the base to the top of the triangles point. If the height of your triangular rooms floor is 8 feet, youd use the formula as follows: A  ½ x B x HA  ½ x 10 feet x 8 feetA  ½ x 80 feetA 40 square feet So, youd need a whopping 40 square feet of carpet to cover the floor of that room. Make sure you have enough credit remaining on your card before heading to the home-improvement or carpeting store.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Experimental Communities, Schools, Organizations Essay

Experimental Communities, Schools, Organizations - Essay Example Their capacities to understand themselves increases and if they are wrong in taking any decisions they would never commit the mistake again. The children in their childhood at the tender age are highly humiliated and scolded like hell for not scoring good marks in their academics. The students of Utopian schools do not face such a humiliation. Education must wipe away sorrows and humiliation but should not bring fever and pain and tension to the little hearts. In these Utopian schools happiness boosts their primary strength to pursue their goals. The students here gain self-respect by accommodating and giving place to their thoughts opinions and decisions. Their creativity comes to light and they prove how competent they are. There are some negative points because which the theory could be sidelined or is not appealing and that points are, in these theory based schools the family values are given least important. Children are the dreams of their parents and they wish to play a very important and active role in the upbringing of their offspring. If parents too give them freedom and in school to get freedom, then there is an over dosage of freedom which may cause damage to their attitude at times. The children without the fear of anybody may turn out to be a daredevil. Another quality that is missing is self-discipline, which is needed by good citizen and the nation too which the Utopian students lack in them. Time is not always favorable and what if they fail in their attempts, will they turn violent and rapacious. Are they controllable by any one Will they have patience All these aspects are discussed and mentioned anywhere. Are all the children so perfect in their persona who never does any crime If some of them doesn't have any special skill or talent then whatAnother minus point is education. Personal skills and talents are given importance but education is not a must. If they neglect education with the play mood what then, If the children doesn't know about the place they stand, from where they have come, and the country witnessed, the struggles and sacrifices of their ancestors, they will not have any words in their mouth when their country is ridiculously criticized. It is like a child looses all his memory due to some accident after he or she has grown up. Who knows nothing about the past Knowing our ancient history is like paying homage to the brave and great ancestors. Also to u nderstand the political scenario of the nation, that is civics to understand the topography of the country, that is geography are necessary. In my opinion basic minimum education about all the subjects is a must for any well-groomed person. Is the life so precious that one cannot spend small part of life with the books It is the book that makes the man from a wild homo sapiens to a civilized man. Devoid education man is a beast. Some theories are not realistic because the real life doesn't match with the imaginary world. The life is the mixture of all sorts of emotions and feelings. A man cannot be happy always or in a same state or mood whole of the life, this is not philosophy it is the way of the world. For any one the pleasure and the pain are in equal amounts, otherwise, he may turn dull, sick or boring if the weather is same all the time and thus the things may not look that interesting as they were when

Access to quality health care Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Access to quality health care - Essay Example Inequality in health status has plagued the minority population in the United States for more than fifty years. Despite rampant inequalities, there is no single root cause for the disparities. While class differences play a major role in the delivery of health care in the United States, race is also an important issue which needs to be properly explored. Seeking to address the particular health challenges facing African-Americans living in the most prosperous country on the planet, this essay will explore the particular health issues afflicting African-Americans and look at the approaches presently in place to solve the question of persistent health inequality in America today. In the United States, health insurance coverage ensures that there is financial means by which basic health care can be accessed (Paulin and Dietz, 1995). Individual comprehensive health insurance plans depend on an individuals’ age, level of employment, residency, and race/ethnicity. Studies have shown that African-Americans do not receive the same care even if they have the same government funded insurance as their white counterparts, such as Medicare. For example, in a study conducted by the Brown and Harvard Medical Schools, researchers found that there were significant racial disparities within Medicare plans. In addition, they found that the quality of care was a factor concerning race and ethnicity among Medicare beneficiaries. This suggests that in addition to access to care, quality of care is different among ethnic groups. To this extent, racial difference in coverage may influence health disparities and inequities within the healthcare system (Williams J., 2005). Medicare is a federal government funded insurance program for disabled young adults, persons above the age of 65, and those with permanent disabilities who become eligible for Social Security. A

Friday, October 18, 2019

Compare and contrast the key principles of associationist and social Essay

Compare and contrast the key principles of associationist and social constructivist theories and their implications for learning and teaching in the classroom - Essay Example t theory has been the basis for today’s organizations and associations and carefully outlines the way in which they carry out their daily processes (George L. Hersey, 1972). The associationists believe that the human mind is simply a concoction of vital elements that are governed by some automatic mechanisms. These automatic mechanisms are nothing but the associations that are being discussed in the present context. In fact, Hume had once said that As such, the degree of association is pretty atomic as well as mechanical in nature. The theory of Associationism has a number of principles that have largely worked towards making it an effective theory despite differing opinions of individual intellectuals. The primary facet of Associationism is that the association between the mental elements is built up by the mind through constant learning from experience, wherein all such experiences are molded into a set of basic beliefs and ideas. All of these ideas are elementary in nature and are rather unstructured and independent from each other. In order to define complex ideas, subsets of these simple and unstructured ideas (which are now rules guiding the individual in decision making) are used to build up a solution for such a complex idea (George L. Hersey, 1972). As such, it can be seen that Associationism is plainly an attempt by the mind to reconstruct and develop the human mind based on experiences through the individual senses. As all such rules are constructed through experience, there is very little space for theoretical assumptions and such associations are therefore a concatenation of a number of individual ideas that have been built up over time. The solution built up by the resulting association is what projects a systematic picture of the mind and its beliefs. The Social Constructivism theory is a theory pertaining to the study of knowledge that details on how specific social phenomena evolve within different situations and social contexts. As such, a

Open source intelligence Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Open source intelligence - Essay Example What’s more, this can be seen as an improvement from the 1981’s scenario whereby Israel attempted to set back Iraq’s nuclear program by bombing its nuclear reactor – such a process is very risky as it can cause massive loss of lives.1 Although Iran has, on different occasion, promised to cooperate - it has kept reneging on promises by embarking on uncompromising positions, which has been a major stumbling block. Once, a report by the IAEA director general revealed that Iran’s cooperation with inspectors has been erratic. In most cases, Iran argues that its nuclear program is developed as a source of energy, but it is very easy to read foul play from its pronouncements. It is Iran’s frustrating actions that have forced the United States to harden its stance, for example, by requesting the board of the International Atomic Energy Agency to stop issuing warnings to Iran and instead refer its nuclear program to the Security Council. As such, thes e desperate measures by the United States are understandable because, if action is not taken, Iran is likely to drive the world into a very compromising position in the future, consideration that it does not seem to cooperate any soon.2 Actually, the U.S. administration should heighten its campaign to push Iran to abandon its nuclear program.3 Furthermore, even the report by the American 007 agents supports that Iran’s nuclear program has not been peaceful. According to this report, it is not clear what Iran is currently planning, which implies that it could be planning to manufacture weapons of mass destruction. In view of this, this report proves untrue the allegation by past negotiators that the problem facing Iran originates from disregard to give the accurate information to the IAEA instead of an arranged disguise. As confirmed by this report, the Iran’s nuclear program could have led to production of dangerous weapons, only that this has always been aborted due t o pressure from the international community – after all there is evidence that this program has been under supervision of the Iranian army, whom central objective is linked to weapon.4 In fact, this is the argument that American Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice used to rely upon in order to win the support of the international community to put more pressure upon Iran. In addition, there was a cause for alarm because this report had mentioned that Iran possesses strong industrial, technological and scientific capabilities, which it can use to develop dangerous weapons any time in the future. Although it sounds interesting, there could be some truth in the America spies’ assertion that Iran is positioned to develop weapon in year 2015, especially considering its existence in supporting the war against the weapon. However, the report of the America’s spies cannot be taken as a gospel truth because they also have their own conflicting interests and objectives the y would want to achieve. 5 Although the U.S. intelligence is making great efforts in dealing with Iran’s nuclear program, as a mater of fact, there are numerous gaps that need improvement - especially concerning its ability to collect valid information. While some experts had posed questions against the report released by a U.S. congressional committee some years back, many others supported its arguments about the existence of gaps. Unless one experiences a biased opinion, it is not

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Informative Speech or Presentation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Informative - Speech or Presentation Example Anorexia and bulimia are psychological disorders which affect a large percentage of people in the world today and it is most rampant in the United States. It is necessary for these disorders to be studied not only as psychological problems, but also as social problems and a chronology of experiences related to these problems should be made so that studies can be conducted to facilitate their cure. It is a fact that these conditions are extremely difficult to treat because it is often difficult to make an assessment of how the people affected by anorexia and bulimia behave as well as how to find ways of curing different individuals from these conditions (Lacey 1694). Among the greatest causes of anorexia and bulimia are the societal expectations that are pressed on those individuals affected by these conditions. Many of the patients with these conditions tend to have been brought up in an environment where the need to succeed and to excel in every aspect of their lives has led them to develop such a low opinion of themselves that they have developed an obsession with their bodies. One will find that the drive for these patients to succeed is so great and the societal expectations placed on them so great that the pressure becomes too much on them and these tend to affect them negatively as they try to fulfill these expectations. The mentors of these patients are often perfectionists and because the patients would like to emulate every aspect of their lives, the pressure to do so becomes very demanding because in order to impress their mentors, they often set such unreasonable goals for themselves that to achieve these goals becomes overwhelming for them. It is also a fact that anorexia and bulimia patients are often raised in environments where they are not given the required attention while growing up and this comes to affect them in later life (Strober et al, 394). This comes about because their parents are probably always too busy attempting to make a living f or their families and have not enough time to get to know their families better, creating a situation where their children grow up in isolation. Such environments end up making the children involved to develop low self-esteem which is one of the reasons for the development of anorexia and bulimia, and their increasing prevalence. Statistics show that while anorexia and bulimia are disorders that are more prevalent in upper classes of the society, there are also increasing cases of these disorders in the other strata of society and this trend is most worrying (Chakraborty and Basu 175). It has been stated that main reason for the prevalence of these conditions among the upper class is because of the higher expectations that are set for the members of such families and their feeling of inadequacy because of the fact that they are not able to fulfill these expectations. In the lower classes, on the other hand, it has been found that one of the most prevalent causes of anorexia and buli mia is the fact that the patients tend to be influenced by the media, especially that of perfection that is propagated by Hollywood as well as other forms of mass media. The increasing prevalence of anorexia and bulimia in society has made it necessary for all individuals within it to be made aware of the symptoms so that they can get a hint of the development of

Philosophy ( Against Bioethics) by jonathan baron Essay

Philosophy ( Against Bioethics) by jonathan baron - Essay Example This essay will explore the meaning of QALY in bioethics. A QALY is an initial of the terms quality-adjusted life year. It refers to a measure of health outcome values and includes quality and quantity of life lived. QALYs measure an individual’s expected life years in both healthy and unhealthy conditions. To determine the value of QALY, one multiplies the utility value associated with a state of health by the number of years the individual lives in that state. The calculations involved in finding out how QALYs are measured are as explained below. QALYs were first introduced by the researchers and decision analysts in the United States of America. Quality-adjusted life year is used in assessing the monetary value of a medical intervention. This model is based on the life period that would be added in the intervention. Yearly, if an individual is in perfect health, they earn a value of 1.0 up to 0.0 for death. However, in cases where the patient incurs some unhealthy conditions that may be long lasting, then a value of between 0(years) and 1(year) is assigned to account for the unhealthy condition. Some of the conditions may even include blindness and physical challenges to the body which may even lead to individuals using wheel-chairs. Baron argues that applied bioethics lacks the element of a coherent theory, and for this fact; it is largely based on judgments that are intuitive. He continually proposes the fact that bioethics could have a coherent theory based on decision analysis and utilitarianism. The utilitarianism factor defines the best option as the one that gives the best output. Such a theory makes bioethics yield the best results in relation to the people involved. Furthermore, Baron argues that the recent practices involved in bioethics should be avoided. He also notes that with the combination of utilitarianism and decision analysis, bioethics can achieve most out of it by

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Informative Speech or Presentation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Informative - Speech or Presentation Example Anorexia and bulimia are psychological disorders which affect a large percentage of people in the world today and it is most rampant in the United States. It is necessary for these disorders to be studied not only as psychological problems, but also as social problems and a chronology of experiences related to these problems should be made so that studies can be conducted to facilitate their cure. It is a fact that these conditions are extremely difficult to treat because it is often difficult to make an assessment of how the people affected by anorexia and bulimia behave as well as how to find ways of curing different individuals from these conditions (Lacey 1694). Among the greatest causes of anorexia and bulimia are the societal expectations that are pressed on those individuals affected by these conditions. Many of the patients with these conditions tend to have been brought up in an environment where the need to succeed and to excel in every aspect of their lives has led them to develop such a low opinion of themselves that they have developed an obsession with their bodies. One will find that the drive for these patients to succeed is so great and the societal expectations placed on them so great that the pressure becomes too much on them and these tend to affect them negatively as they try to fulfill these expectations. The mentors of these patients are often perfectionists and because the patients would like to emulate every aspect of their lives, the pressure to do so becomes very demanding because in order to impress their mentors, they often set such unreasonable goals for themselves that to achieve these goals becomes overwhelming for them. It is also a fact that anorexia and bulimia patients are often raised in environments where they are not given the required attention while growing up and this comes to affect them in later life (Strober et al, 394). This comes about because their parents are probably always too busy attempting to make a living f or their families and have not enough time to get to know their families better, creating a situation where their children grow up in isolation. Such environments end up making the children involved to develop low self-esteem which is one of the reasons for the development of anorexia and bulimia, and their increasing prevalence. Statistics show that while anorexia and bulimia are disorders that are more prevalent in upper classes of the society, there are also increasing cases of these disorders in the other strata of society and this trend is most worrying (Chakraborty and Basu 175). It has been stated that main reason for the prevalence of these conditions among the upper class is because of the higher expectations that are set for the members of such families and their feeling of inadequacy because of the fact that they are not able to fulfill these expectations. In the lower classes, on the other hand, it has been found that one of the most prevalent causes of anorexia and buli mia is the fact that the patients tend to be influenced by the media, especially that of perfection that is propagated by Hollywood as well as other forms of mass media. The increasing prevalence of anorexia and bulimia in society has made it necessary for all individuals within it to be made aware of the symptoms so that they can get a hint of the development of

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Free topic Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Free topic - Research Paper Example However, the power of mythology evolves from its capability to communicate the existing requirements for identity within a human society (Williams, 2-3). The cultural as well as religious identity related to Hinduism is considered as quite broad. In Hindu mythology, there are more than 330 million role models that are most likely to validate the person’s identity who have been framed in pace with the developing mankind since ancient times (Doyle, â€Å"Hindu Mythology†). Thesis Statement Two short stories have been considered in the discussion henceforth, i.e. the Story of Yayati and the Incarnation of Vishnu as a Fish with the sole intention to obtain a better knowledge regarding the linkage of cultural values, philosophies and beliefs perceived by Indians with Hindu mythology. Hence, the chief objective of the discussion will be to obtain a better in-sight to the rudiments of Hindu mythology. Rudiments of Hindu Mythology Being the ancient most religion, Hindu mytholog y presents a rich culture along with some distinct but highly valuable principles of human life which can bring integrity and prosperity within the mankind. As the inherent values, ethos and principles of human culture are practiced as a complex purpose, various stories have been described in Hindu mythology rendering a comprehensive understanding of morality and justness within human society. One of the rudiments of Hindu mythology depicts that women play a dominant role as Shakti possessing the power of creation as well as destruction (Goel, â€Å"The Sacred Feminine in Hinduism†). As demonstrated in Ramayana, Kaikeyi (the third wife of King Dasharath) and Manthara (Kaikeyi’s maid) played the fundamental roles to cause the exile of Rama from Ayodhya which certainly caused destruction at the primary view, but for a greater good, i.e. the death of Ravana. Again, in the Story of King Yayati, Devyani (the daughter of sage Shukracharya) was shown imposing a direct impact on the decision making of her father causing the curse of King Yayati (Joshi, â€Å"The Story from Mahabharata†). Another rudiment of Hindu mythology emphasizes on the aspect that there is one ‘Supreme Soul’, God who is the creator and destructor of the cosmos. He is one who preserves the mankind and also punishes them according to their deeds (Hindu Wisdom, â€Å"Symbolism in Hinduism†). This particular belief can be observed apparently with reference to the story of Matsaya Avatar by Lord Vishnu. Matsya Avatar by Lord Vishnu is thought to have taken place in Satya Yuga when the Lord destroyed the life on earth due to the unsystematic and unjust practices of human kind (Purucker, â€Å"Section 4: Galaxies and Solar Systems: their Genesis, Structure, and Destiny†). It can be stated that the ‘Law of Karma’ is basic principles of Hinduism. Karma tends to generate its fruits in the form of pain as well as pleasure. It can be observed from the story of Yayati that King Yayati had been cursed by Shukracharya because of King’s own Karma or deeds to have a secret relationship with Sharmishtha. Furthermore, the ‘Law of Karma’ has also been reflected in the story of Matsaya Avatar where the demon, Hayagriva was defeated by Lord Vishnu owing to his deed of stealing the precious Vedas and hampering the creation of life on earth (Sivananda, â€Å"Hinduism†). The Matsya or Fish Avatara According to the Satapatha Brahmana, a Hindu sacred text

Monday, October 14, 2019

The Effects of Global Financial Crisis in Nigeria Essay Example for Free

The Effects of Global Financial Crisis in Nigeria Essay The global financial crisis began in the United States of America and the United Kingdom when the global credit market came to a standstill in July 2007 (Avgouleas, 2008). The crisis, brewing for a while, really started to show its effects in the middle of 2008. Around the world stock markets have fallen, large financial institutions have collapsed or been bought out, and governments in even the wealthiest nations have had to come up with rescue packages to bail out their financial systems. It is a well known fact that the world is now a global village. As a result of this, the global economic meltdown is having a side effect on Nigerians to an extent that people’s standard of living has been seriously affected. The side effects on Nigerians include high cost of commodities, upsurge in social vices and unemployment. As a way of managing the situation, the government should cut down on the salaries of public office holders and reduce excessive spending in order to utilize the little resources available to provide the needed infrastructural facilities that will make life meaningful to the people, and focus attention on important projects. The concept of financial crisis The term financial crisis is applied broadly to a variety of situations in which some financial institutions or assets suddenly lose a large part of their value. In the 19th and early 20th centuries, many financial crises were associated with banking panics, and many recessions coincided with these panics. Other situations that are often called financial crises include stock market crashes and the bursting of other financial bubbles, currency crises, and sovereign defaults (Kindleberger and Aliber, 2005, Laeven and Valencia, 2008). Causes of the Crisis The reasons for this crisis are varied and complex, but largely it can be attributed to a number of factors in both the housing and credit markets, which developed over an extended period of time. Some of these include: the inability of homeowner to make their mortgage payments, poor judgement by the borrower and/or lender, speculation and overbuilding during the boom period, risky mortgage products, high personal and corporate debt levels, financial innovation that distributed and concealed default risks, central bank policies, and regulation (Stiglitz,2008). Africa and the Global Financial Crisis The direct impact of the financial crisis on the African economies has thus far been limited as most commercial banks in the region refrained from investing in the troubled assets from the US and other part of the world. This is why most commentators argue that Africa is so far insulated from the direct effects of the financial crisis. The current financial crisis affects Africa and other developing countries in two possible ways; First, there could be financial contagion and spillovers for stock markets in Africa. Stock markets in the region showed some volatility, driven by a sell-off by foreign investors. The Nigerian stock market for instance has been experiencing a continuous downward trend in prices of stocks for over two months now. The India stock market dropped by 8% in one day at the same time as stock markets in the USA and Brazil plunged. Stock markets across the world – developed and developing – have all dropped substantially since May 2008. Share prices have tumble between 12 and 19% in the USA, UK and Japan in just one week, while the MSCI emerging market index fell 23%. This includes stock markets in Brazil, South Africa, India and China (ODI, 2008). We need to better understand the nature of the financial linkages, how they occur (as they do appear to occur) and whether anything can be done to minimise contagion. Possible Policy responses The current macro-economic and social challenges posed by the global financial crisis require a much better understanding of appropriate policy responses. Some recommended policy responses which can be applied to the situation in Nigeria are enumerated as follows: †¢ There needs to be a better understanding of what can provide financial stability, how crossborder cooperation can help to provide the public good of international financial rules and systems, and what the most appropriate rules are with respect to development. There needs to be an understanding of whether and how Nigeria and other developing countries can minimise financial contagion; †¢ Nigeria and other developing countries will also need to manage the implications of the current economic slowdown – after a period of strong and continued growth in developing countries, which has promoted interest in structural factors of growth, international macro economic management will now move up the policy agenda. †¢ Nigeria and other developing countries need to understand the social outcomes and provide appropriate social protection schemes. †¢ Central Banks should regulate issue of foreign exchange to companies during this time of crisis to avoid creating a deep in foreign reserves. †¢ Non-bank financial sector such as Pension Funds should also be regulated. This is to protect pension funds from being invested in some of this complex instruments to enable them meet their liquidity obligation as at when due. †¢ African countries should strengthen domestic and regional markets and boost intra-African trade and it is also important to promote domestic tourism. †¢ There is a need for new stability of the global financial system in which the voice of every nation, every continent is heard and their concerns taken into account. Conclusion The global financial crisis is already causing a considerable slowdown in most developed countries. Governments around the word are trying to contain the crisis, but many suggest the worst is not yet over. Stock markets are down more than 40% from their recent highs. Investment banks have collapsed, rescue packages are drawn up involving more than a trillion US dollars, and interest rates have been cut around the world with US and Japan cutting theirs to all time low of 0. 25% and 0. 1% respectively (bbc. co. uk), in what looks like a coordinated response. With a recession already in place in most developed countries, Nigeria and other developing countries should try and come up with policies that will minimise the spread of this crisis to their economy.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Advertising Psycho Pharmaceuticals Essay -- Media Argumentative Persua

Advertising Psycho Pharmaceuticals I have been feeling a little overwhelmed lately, so I decide see my medical doctor to seek her advice on what I can do about my mental health. When I meet with her, she asks me if there have been any changes in my life that might explain my depression. Unfortunately, I cannot think of any particular cause for these feelings. My doctor suggests that I start taking a drug to help me overcome my unhappiness. She tells me that she can prescribe it right now if I want her to. It surprises me that she does not recommend therapy and instead offers a chemical cure. Since this is the first time I am seriously considering using a drug to "fix" my mood, I tell her that I will do some research and let her know my final decision. I do not know very much about antidepressant medications, so she gives me the names of a couple of popular drugs used to treat depression, Paxil(r) and Zoloft(r), to help me with my investigation. I feel the best place to start my inquiry is to look at the we bsites of the companies that produce these drugs. I figure that these sites will provide me with the information I need to make an informed decision on whether drug treatment, and which drug treatment, is right for me. I begin by looking at the website for Paxil(r), When the page loads, I am presented with a picture of a worried woman's face in profile in front of an orange-red background. When my eyes move away from this image, I am confronted with the question in big bold black letters, "Does this sound like you?" And this question is referring to the other statements flashing on and off of the screen slowly, statements about being tense, worrying, having anxiety, ... than the Zoloft(r) site, such as the page on the site that discusses the importance of "talk" therapy for helping to cure patients with these disorders. Also, in the prescription information there is an explicit summary of how effective this drug has been for other patients. Overall, neither of these websites gave me a complete view of these medications. I understand now that the companies are trying to sell their product, but at the same time I value my safety while I am taking the medication. I will have to talk to my doctor and seek more extensive information from other medical websites before I have enough knowledge to decide if drug therapy is right for me. Works Cited "Paxil Paroxetine HCl." 2001. GlaxoSmithKline. 7 Oct 2001. "Zoloft (sertraline HCl)." 2001. Pfizer Inc. 7 Oct 2001.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Redefining The American Dream :: Philosophy Psychology Essays

Redefining The American Dream Consumption patterns portray the dynamic effect of the American Dream. The American Dream today is significantly different that it was fifty years ago. Today Americans work longer work hours, spend 40% more time watching T.V and 40% less time with their children (AGO 2001). â€Å"The avarice of mankind is insatiable,† claimed Aristotle when describing how the appetite of mankind is never satisfied (Durning). As every desire is satisfied a new one rises up to take its place (Durning). This is true for all people; we want more money, a better job, a new car, better benefits, on and on until suddenly it is clear that we have wasted our lives in search of something that actually never made us happy. A wise woman always told me â€Å"never have any expectations and you will always be pleasantly surprised†, the same holds true for consumption. Imagine a world where consumption was an addiction similar to alcohol or drugs. Over consuming is a crime punishable with jail time and â€Å"Consumer Anonymous† rehabilitation meetings. This was the world we attempted to portray during our brief â€Å"Consumers Anonymous† meeting. The opposite is currently happening, the economy expanded 4% between the first quarter of 1998 and 1999 (Krugman 1999). Consumption grew 5.5% during that period (Krugman 1999) . When the economy toke a down turn after President Bush was elected into office, the federal government urged Americans to â€Å"do their part† by spending. The average savings in the United States during 1970 was 8.5%, which has plummeted to an obscene low of 2.1% in 1997 by 1998 savings dropped even further to less than 0.5% (SLI). The lowest saving rate ever witnessed was in 1933 during the great depression at a –2.1% (SLI). By 1997 the total debt of U.S. households had reached 89% of the total household income (ecocompass 2000). The United States has less than 5% of the world’s population however; Americans consume 24% of the world’s energy, 27% of the world’s aluminum and 21% of the world’s beef (SLI). The big shocker is with all of this consumption the happiness levels are not raising (SLI).

Friday, October 11, 2019

A Study On Construction Risk Management Engineering Essay

This paper discusses hazard in the building industry and how building contractors are covering with it. A aggregation of adept sentiments and theories, this paper discusses the general hazard direction theoretical account from hazard designation, appraisal and analysis of hazard, and commanding and pull offing hazard. Discussion of building insurance and building bonding are discussed, every bit good as how they are utilised as tools in building hazard direction. The experience qualifier is explored in how it is of import in a building hazard direction plan. In add-on, a checklist is provided that highlights the most general points that need to be considered in a hazard direction plan. The building industry could see to be one of the most dynamic, hazardous, and disputing industries in the universe. In add-on, the building industry has a really hapless repute for pull offing hazard, with many major undertakings neglecting to run into deadlines and cost marks ( Mills, 2001 ) . Many times this consequences in hapless undertaking public presentation ( Tah 2000 ) . This is greatly influenced by the fact that this industry is exposed to many altering variables of different magnitudes. Some of the more normally known variables are weather, productiveness of labour and equipment, and quality of stuffs. All excessively frequently, hazards are either ignored, or dealt with in a wholly arbitrary manner. One of these ways may be by merely adding a 10 per cent eventuality onto the estimated cost of a undertaking with the premise that this will cover any of these possible and unknown variables. In an industry like building, this attack may be unequal, ensuing in expensive holds , extenuation, judicial proceeding, or even bankruptcy. Of equal importance, any contractor who has lost a occupation due to turning in a high command, may non wish entertaining the thought that this method of utilizing eventuality as a hazard direction tool may hold been the cause of losing a command on a occupation. A small planning and apprehension of what the possible hazard were for the contract aided by the appropriate actions, may hold allowed the contractor to hold won the command and still be in a place of being protected from these industry variables that may hold been endangering during the life of the building undertaking. In building, building directors and proprietors study hazard, the possible realisation of unwanted effects from jeopardies originating from a possible event on the building undertaking, the appraisal of the acceptableness of the hazards, and the direction of unacceptable hazards ( Hipel, 2000 ) . On a building site for illustration, the chance of a building decease ( unwanted effect ) is a hazard caused that can be caused by a safety job ( jeopardy ) at the occupation site ( event ) . Risk direction is the term for the systematic analysis and control of hazard, such as forestalling building accidents from go oning. Hazard in general pervades modern society and is widely acknowledged, it continues to do ageless contention and argument ( Hipel, 2000 ) . The definition of hazard contains two constituents: the chance of an unwanted effect of an event and the earnestness of that effect. Hazard is the chance that an inauspicious event occurs during a declared period of clip ( Royal Society 1991 ) . The ground that building, when compared to other concern industry sections, has an increased leaning for hazard state of affairss is because of the legion booby traps involved with this industry. These booby traps represent repeating jobs that significantly affect both cost and agendas for about any type of building undertaking ( Palmer 10 ) . The following tabular array illustrates these usual booby traps ( Palmer 11 ) : OwnerInterior designerContractorFailure to fundDefective programs and eyeglassesDecelerate to mobiliseOwner-furnished stuffs non availableShop pulling reappraisal and stuff blessingFailure to staff undertakingMajor alterations in demandsImproper or delayed alteration ordersFailure to supply sufficient equipmentFailure to do advancement paymentsFailure to organize between primesFailure to organizeInterventionInadequate informationInadequate undertaking direction controls Risk direction is an of import portion of the decision-making procedure of all building companies. Hazard and uncertainness can potentially hold damaging effects for some building undertakings. Hazard can impact productiveness, public presentation, quality, and the budget of a undertaking. Hazards on a building undertaking can non be eliminated, but it can be minimized, transferred, or retained ( Mills, 2001 ) . It is recommended that directors involved in the building procedure implement hazard direction techniques from the origin of a undertaking to its shutting. While there are different direction theoretical accounts available ( see figure 1 for an illustration ) , they by and large follow a similar form. This form is modeled after the undermentioned stairss:Designation of HazardAppraisal and Analysis of HazardControling and Managing of the Hazard Risk direction is non a new construct and is considered to be a systematic attack to covering with hazard. Much research has been done in rating and direction of hazard ( Kangari 1989 ) . Successful contractors must understand and pull off the hazards that are encountered with building ( Insurance Institute of America 1995 ) . Traditionally it has been applied instinctively, with hazards staying implicit and managed by judgement, informed by experience. The systematic attack makes the hazards clear, officially depicting them and doing them easier to pull off. In other words, systematic hazard direction is a direction tool, which requires practical experience and preparation in the usage of the techniques ( Mills 245 ) . Harmonizing to Godfrey ( 1996 ) , systematic hazard direction helps to:Identify, buttocks, and rank hazards, doing the hazards explicit ;Focus on the major hazards of the undertaking ;Make informed determination on the proviso for hardship, e.g. extenuation steps ;Min imize possible harm should the worst happen ;Control the unsure facets of building undertakings ;Clarify and formalise the company ‘s function and the functions of others in the hazard direction procedure.Identify the chances to heighten undertaking public presentation It has been found that the designation of each hazard is an indispensable first measure in hazard direction and is perchance the most hard. The designation of each beginning of hazard and the constituents of that hazard constituent allows the hazard point to be separated from others ( Williams 1995 ) . Consideration of each act uponing factor will simplify the analysis and direction of the hazard. In hazard designation, the cardinal inquiry to inquire is: What are the distinct characteristics of the undertaking ( hazard beginnings ) that might do such failure? ( Godfrey 1996 ) . The pragmatism of hazard estimations increases as the undertaking returns. However, the major determinations should be made early in the life of the undertaking, as eventuality stairss need to be put into topographic point to counter the hazard. So despite the troubles, a realistic estimation of the concluding cost and continuance of the entire undertaking is required every bit early as possible. The Oklahoman that possible jobs and the associated hazards are identified in a building undertaking, the Oklahoman better direction techniques and determinations can be made to guarantee that the undertaking is non a job from the start. There is a 2nd, but every bit of import, ground for the early designation of hazard and uncertainness, it focuses the attending of project direction on the schemes for the control and allotment of hazard, e.g. through the pick of a contract scheme, buying of insurance and bonding ( Mills 248 ) . After hazard is identified, the hazard must be assessed for chance of bing on the building undertaking, and possible effects from happening and analyzed. Risk appraisal is the rating of the comparative importance of an estimated hazard with regard to other hazards faced by the population, the benefits of the activity beginning of the hazard, and the costs of pull offing the hazard ( Hipel 2000 ) . The impact of a hazard can be measured as the likeliness of a specific unwanted event and its unwanted effects or loss and can be shown mathematically where: RI = L x C Where: RI = Risk Impact L = Likelihood C = Consequence Hazard and uncertainness are portion of all building work regardless of the size of the undertaking. Other hazard factors that carry hazard include: complexness, velocity of building, location of the undertaking, and acquaintance with the work. These variables must be assessed in respects to their impact on the undertaking, which is normally fiscal in construction. When serious hazards occur on undertakings the effects can be really detrimental. In utmost instances, clip and cost overproductions turn a potentially profitable undertaking into a loss-making venture. Research has showed that cost and clip marks are frequently missed due to unanticipated events that even an experient undertaking director can non expect. These events are known in progress, but their extent could frequently non be quantified. For illustration, industrial differences, delayed determinations, or changed land conditions may all be anticipated, but their likeliness and impact are difficult to foretell with any preciseness as no two building undertakings are the same ; this makes it of import to place hazard beginnings for each undertaking ( Mills 246 ) . It is recommended that it may be utile to group hazards harmonizing to simple steps of their chance and likely impact, by concentrating on what is of import and the action that controls the hazard. In a building undertaking, the result can ever be unexpected, as costs may be less than anticipated, the conditions may be sort, grosss may transcend outlook. Therefore, hazards can sometimes be viewed every bit good every bit long as they are allowed for. Indeed, it is the function of a building director to pull off hazard on behalf of the edifice client, and in return derive income or net income from the undertaking ( Mills 246 ) . Hazard analysis is the systematic appraisal of determination variables that are capable to hazard and uncertainness ( Edwards 1998 ) . The hazard analysis procedure is a portion of the hazard direction procedure in consisting the chance of happening of inauspicious events ; the scene of assuming bounds to associated uncertainnesss ; and the measuring of the possible impact of hazard event results. When building hazard is to be analyzed, some of the undermentioned hazard factors should be considered ( Insurance Institute of America 1995 ) : A. Project-specific hazard factors 1. Contract-owner relatedRepute of the contract proprietorOwner ‘s undertaking funding 2. Contract papers relatedPlans and specificationsContract termChemical bond signifiers 3. Performance RelatedProject Management and supervisingSize of the undertakingComplexity of the workSite and subsurface conditionsThe labour force and labour costsSubcontractsMaterialsConstruction equipmentTime to get down and finish the workLiquidated amendssCare warrants and care periodsWeather conditionsBid spreadsGeographic locationsEstimated gross net incomeContribution to operating net income ( loss )Dependability of cost estimations B. Work backlog hazard factorsCapacity of the contractor ‘s organisationContractor ‘s fiscal capacityNumber of contracts and hazard categorizations There are different tools and techniques used for analysing hazard and doing determinations under hazard. There are many ways to make this, from the reasonably simple to those that require a computing machine as a minimal tool. These tools have different complexnesss. Risk direction is one facet of direction scientific discipline. There are two wide classs of direction scientific discipline techniques: deterministic, and probabilistic ( or called stochastic ) . Deterministic techniques assume that the values of the determination variables are known with 100 % certainty, which is seldom the instance with building ( Flanagan 69 ) . Probabilistic or stochastic techniques on the other manus, are concerned with factors that can non be estimated with certainty, such as most informations associated with building ( Flanagan 69 ) . The following tabular array contains techniques that largely provide quantitative solutions, and integrate some subjectiveness, but are by and large used as decision-making techniques in analysing hazard and reacting to hazard ( Flanagan 1993 ) . Decision-making TechniqueWhere they are usedThe Risk PremiumHazard ResponseRisk-adjusted price reduction rateHazard ResponseSubjective ProbabilityHazard ResponseDecision Analysis -Algorithms -Means-end analysis -Decision Matrix -Bayesian ModelHazard Analysis/Risk ClassificationSensitivity AnalysisHazard ResponseMonte Carlo simulationHazard ResponsePortfolio TheoryStochastic Laterality When mensurating hazard, the likeliness, or the chance, of an inauspicious event, is normally expressed in footings of the figure of such events expected to happen in a twelvemonth ( Godfrey, 1996 ) . The effect of an inauspicious event, sometimes called harm, is frequently expressed in pecuniary footings. In the instance of human deaths or serious holds, it is more appropriate to utilize other steps, like yearss lost, or experience alteration evaluation ( Godfrey, 1996 ) . The hazard direction program should order processs that address the inactive and dynamic hazards built-in to the undertaking. The end of the program is to minimise the proprietor ‘s exposure to hazard from the start of design to tenancy and through the guarantee period, every bit good as the contractor and interior decorator ‘s hazards. The program should stress hazard consciousness. It should include processs that will place inactive and dynamic hazards, evaluate their possible loss value, and prescribe ways to efficaciously dispose of them in ways that serve the proprietor ‘s best involvements. The conventional agencies of hazard disposal are to:Extinguish the hazard, by taking an alternate class of actionShed the hazard, by allowing person else bear the loadAssign the hazard to others, by understanding or contractRetain the hazard and minimise it through micromanagement ( Haltenhoff 1998 ) . The list of hazards could be significant because it should be every bit comprehensive as pos ­sible. It should be started at the brainstorming session and continued throughout the procedure of the building undertaking until it is complete. Every squad member should be hazard, quality, and safety-conscious and contribute to the list as hazards are identified. The best attack is to ever maintain a â€Å" what if † atti ­tude when be aftering action or pondering determinations. Persons involved in the undertaking should non measure hazards to find their suitableness for the list. All hazards should be for ­warded to the top direction for rating ( Haltenhoff 1998 ) . It is besides of import to keep the hazard informations for usage in future undertakings. The obvious hazards built-in to a building undertaking can be identified by undertaking members and their experience. Typically, this may be the primary beginning for the possibility of hazard on the undertaking. Experienced building companies can probably lend a starter list accumulated from past undertakings and from the hazard informations that was collected. It is of import in hazard direction for the building undertaking members to add hazards to the list as they are discovered and experienced with. Risk direction should be a standing point on every squad meeting docket, because risk-management determinations should be inactive whenever possible. Inactive deci ­sions can merely be made if the hazards are identified early plenty to ease squad action. The major risk-management solution tool to be utilized is insurance ; surety bonding is a close sec ­ond. Loss due to accidents and non-performing contractors has the highest potency of all individual hazards. However, both these hazards are inactive hazards normally dealt with on every building undertaking and should be considered. The end should be to reexamine all identifiable hazards by precedence and set up processs to decrease the potency of each one. Hazard direction is a portion of catching and building that must be micro-managed ( Haltenhoff 1998 ) . In general, it is of import to retrieve that a hazard direction system should: set up an appropriate context ; set ends and aims ; place and analyse hazards ; influence haza rd decision-making ; and proctor and reappraisal hazard responses. ( Edwards 1998 ) . The hazard inherent in every building undertaking can be assumed by another party, assumed separately, or shared by holding parties. The chief guideline in finding whether a hazard should be transferred is whether the having party has both the competency to reasonably measure the hazard and the expertness necessary to command or minimise it ( Hartman, 1996 ) . It was found that both parties must hold a clear and similar apprehension of the hazard. Contracting parties who do non hold a shared apprehension of its answerability may mishandle the hazard event by presuming that the event or its corresponding effects are non their duty ( Hartman 1996 ) . The term â€Å" ownership of hazard † has a assortment of significances including:holding a interest in the benefit or injury that may originate from the activity that leads to the hazard ;duty for the hazard ;answerability for the control of hazard ;fiscal duty for the whole or portion of the injury arising from the hazard should i t happen ( Godfrey 1996 ) . In a hazard allotment study by Roozbeh ( 1995 ) , respondents were asked to put hazard associated with building into three classs: allotment of the hazard to the contractor, allotment of hazard to the proprietor, or a sharing of the hazard. The hazard allotment procedure of the respondents is shown in Table I and the degree of importance of hazard is shown in Table II. A similar study carried out by ASCE in 1979 showed that contractors were less willing to accept, or even portion hazard, preferring alternatively that proprietors accept duty for most building hazards. Responses to the two studies showed pronounced differences in sentiment sing third-party holds, Acts of the Apostless of God, damages, and existent measures of work ( Mills 247 ) . Typical allotment of hazard in a building undertakingHazard ALLOCATIONHazard DESCRIPTIONContractorLabour and Equipment Productivity Quality of work Labour, Equipment, and Material Availability Safety Defective Material Contractor Competence Inflation Actual Measures of Work Labour DisputesOwnerDiffering Site Conditionss Defective Design Site Access/right of manner licenses and regulations Changes in Government Regulations Delay payment of contract Changes in WorkSharedFiscal Failure – any party Change-order dialogues Contract-delay declarationUndecidedActs of God Third-party holds Defensive EngineeringDegree of Importance of HazardImportanceHazard ALLOCATIONHazard DESCRIPTIONMost ImportantContractor Contractor Contractor Owner OwnerSafety Quality of Work Labor and Equipment Productivity Defective Design Construction Competence/delayed paymentLeast ImportantOwner Owner Undecided UndecidedChanges in Government Regulations Site access/right of manner licenses and ordinances/inflation Acts of God Defensive Engineering As discussed, building work has many associated hazards. Some of these hazards by nature are risky, and accidents can be frequent and frequently terrible on a building site. The one-year toll of deceases, personal hurts, and belongings harm in the building industry has been highly high at times ( Clough 166 ) . When one is making research on hazard direction, a batch of information sing insurance is found. That is because after building hazards are identified, analyzed, and assessed building insurance is the lone manner to safeguard against the possibility of the appointed hazard from going a fiscal menace. Insurance is one of the most common hazard direction tools available to building directors and proprietors in making a eventuality for the hazard variables that may originate during a undertaking Insurance is a pool of money, sustained by premiums paid by an correspondent group of insured ‘s, that is called upon to cover specified losingss when they occur. Premiums fluc ­tuate in response to losingss as a agency of keeping the degree of the pool. Insurance is a competitory concern where insurance companies are invariably seeking new insured ‘s. Premium charges are competitory from insurance company to insurer and adjusted harmonizing to the loss expe ­rience of the insured ‘s ( Haltenhoff 294 ) . Construction insurance is required in three countries: Owner Protection, CM and A/E Protection, and Contractor Protection. Different building bringing methods and multiple catching do non alter the traditional signifiers and coverage ‘s of insurance but trade with some of them otherwise. Construction industry insurance is a extremely specialised field and building directors are normally non expected to hold insurance experts on their staff. However, a wide cognition of insurance is necessary to assist the proprietor set up a static-risk protection plan that provides effectual coverage and is compatible with the CM catching construction ( Haltenhoff 297 ) . The possible badness of building accidents and the frequence with which they can happen necessitate that the contractor protect himself with a assortment of complex and expensive insurance coverage ‘s. Without equal insurance protection, the contractor would be continuously faced with the fleeting possibility of serious or even catastrophic fiscal loss ( Clough 166 ) . Construction undertakings normally have in force several coincident contractual agreements between different parties. These understandings can be between proprietor and architect-engineer, between proprietor and general contractor, and between the general contractor and his several subcontractors. Contracts that provide for design-construct and building direction services and the usage of separate premier contracts can present extra considerations in the dialogue of the contract. When looking at all of these agreements as a whole within the building undertaking, these contracts can set up a complicated construction of duties for amendss originating out of the building operations ( Clough 166 ) . Liability for accidents can be placed on the proprietor or architect-engineer, every bit good as on the premier contractor and subcontractors whose equipment and employees perform the existent work. Many building contracts typically require the contractor to presume the proprietor and archite ct-engineer ‘s legal liability for building accidents or to supply insurance for the proprietor ‘s direct protection. Consequently, a contractor ‘s insurance plan usually includes coverage ‘s to protect individuals other than himself and to protect him from liabilities non lawfully his ain ( Clough 166 ) . An insurance policy is a conditional contract under which the insurance company promises, for a consideration, to presume fiscal duty for a specified loss or liability. The policy itself is a legal papers incorporating many commissariats refering to the loss against which it affords protection ( Clough 167 ) . Basically, the jurisprudence of insurance is identified with the jurisprudence of contracts. However, because of its confidant association with public public assistance, the insurance field is closely controlled and purely regulated by federal and province legislative acts. Each province has an insurance regulative bureau that administers that province ‘s insurance codification, a set of statutory commissariats that imposes ordinances on insurance companies refering investings, militias, one-year fiscal statements, and periodic scrutinies. Insurance companies are controlled as to their organisational construction, fiscal personal businesss, and concern methods. In most pr ovinces insurance policies must conform to statutory demands as to organize and content ( Clough 167 ) . The province of Oklahoma has the Oklahoma Insurance Department ( hypertext transfer protocol: // ) with the mission statement to â€Å"serve and protect the insurance purchasing populace. This will be accomplished by guaranting that consumers have available a solvent insurance market, a knowing industry from which to buy insurance, and by supplying high-quality policyholder service and instruction. To this terminal, the Department will implement the insurance Torahs and ordinances of this province impartially and expeditiously.† This organisation is an illustration of a province regulative bureau that administers the province ‘s insurance codification. A loss suffered by a contractor as a consequence of his ain calculated action can non be recovered by the contractor under an insurance policy. However, carelessness or inadvertence on the portion of the contractor will non by and large annul the insurance contract. The contractor must pay a premium as the consideration for the insurance company ‘s promise of protection against the designated loss. Many types of insurance require the premium to be paid in progress before the policy becomes a force and consequence. In the event of a loss covered by an insurance policy, the contractor can non retrieve more than his loss ; that is, he can non do a net income at the disbursal of the insurance company ( Clough 167 ) . Insurance companies can be organized as stock companies or as common companies. The stock companies are organized in a mode similar to that of a bank, and ownership is vested in shareholders. The proprietor of an insurance policy has no ownership in the company and assumes no hazard of appraisal if the insurance company encounters fiscal contraries ( Clough 167 ) . A common company is one in which the policyholders constitute the members of the sing company and association. Every policyholder of the common company is, at the same clip, an insurance company and an insured. If it happens that the premiums collected are in surplus of the losingss, the surplus is returned to the policyholders â€Å"dividends† . By the same item, if losingss outweigh income, appraisals of the policyholders may be possible. State Torahs permit common companies that satisfy certain trials to- bound or extinguish the appraisal that can be levied against the members. Consequently, the policies of many common companies are non-assessable. This varies well with the bylaws and policies of the single common company. In belongings and casualty insurance, a field of insurance particularly of import to contractors, several mutuals are among the largest companies. In life insurance likely a bulk of the largest companies are mutuals ( Clough 167 ) . With the many jeopardies that confront the building concern and the many types of insurance types that a contractor can purchase for protection and hazard direction, it could be considered to be difficult for a contractor to make up one's mind merely what insurance is truly needed on building undertaking. In world, the contractor rather frequently has no pick. For illustration, it is standard pattern that building contracts require the contractor to supply certain insurance coverages ( Clough 167-168 ) . Construction contracts typically make the contractor responsible for obtaining coverages such as workingmans ‘s compensation insurance, contractor ‘s public liability and belongings harm insurance, and contractor ‘s contingent liability insurance. Property insurance to protect and liability insurance to protect the proprietor may be made the duty of either the proprietor or the contractor, depending on the contract ( Clough 167-168 ) . There are many illustrations of particular insurance being required by contract when the building involves unusual hazards or conditions. When the contract delegates to the contractor specific duty for obtaining certain insurance, it is customary that he be required to subject insurance certifications to the proprietor or the architect-engineer as cogent evidence that the coverage stipulated has, in fact, been provided ( Clough 167-168 ) . Some Construction contracts require the contractor to keep the proprietor and architect-engineer harmless by accepting any liability that either of them may incur because of operations performed under the contract. Most contract paperss that contain such insurance clauses are expressed in necessitating the contractor to secure appropriate contractual liability insurance ( Clough 167-168 ) . With respect to contractual insurance demands, it is ever good pattern for a contractor to subject a transcript of the contract paperss to his insurance company while the occupation is being bid and before building operations commence for analysis. The contractor is non normally an insurance expert and is non truly competent to measure the hazards and liabilities placed on-him by the contract. The contractors insurance agents or agents are qualified to analyse the paperss and rede him refering the insurance demands dictated by the linguistic communication of a given building contract ( Clough 167-168 ) . Certain sorts of insurance are required by jurisprudence, and the contractor must supply them whether or non they are called for by the contract. Workmen ‘s compensation ; motor vehicle ; unemployment ; and old age, subsister ‘s, and disablement insurance are illustrations of coverages required by legislative act. The jurisprudence makes the independent contractor apt for amendss caused by his Acts of the Apostless of skip or committee. In add-on, the premier contractor has a contingent liability for the actions of his subcontractors. Therefore, whether or non the jurisprudence is specific refering certain types of insurance, the contractor as a practical fact must secure several different classs of liability insurance to protect himself from his legal duty for amendss caused by his ain building operations every bit good as those of his subcontractors ( Clough 168-169 ) . Aside from coverages required by jurisprudence and the building contract, it is the contractor ‘s prerogative to make up one's mind what insurance shall be carried. Such elected coverages pertain chiefly to the contractor ‘s ain belongings or to belongings for which he is responsible. It is non economically possible for the contractor to transport all the insurance coverages available to him. That is why a contractor must measure the hazard with a hazard direction program in order to make up one's mind which tools of insurance demand to be utilized. If he purchased insurance protection against every hazard that is insurable, the cost of the ensuing premiums would enforce an impossible fiscal load on the building company. The extent and magnitude of a contractor ‘s insurance plan can be decided merely after careful survey, appraisal, and analysis. If a hazard is insurable, the cost of the premiums must be balanced against the possible loss and the chance of its happe ning and a determination must be made to what the contractor is willing to hazard. There are building hazards that are non insurable, and associated losingss must be regarded merely as ordinary concern disbursals ( Clough 169 ) . At times careful planning and punctilious building processs can minimise a hazard at less cost than the premium of a covering insurance policy. This becomes a halfway point of hazard direction. Thus the contractor may take to presume a deliberate hazard instead than to pay a high insurance premium. A contractor with experience in executing this procedure can salvage money and finally make an border over other contractors offering on the same building work. A common illustration by Richard Clough Tells of presuming such a hazard involves building that is to be erected instantly next to an bing construction. If the nature of the new building is such that the bing construction may be endangered by colony or prostration, the contractor has two classs of action unfastened to him. As one option he can include in his estimation the premium for a prostration policy. Such protection is high in cost and is by and large available merely with significant deductible sums. Alternatively, the contr actor can presume the hazard himself without insurance protection, taking to trust on his accomplishment and on extraordinary safeguards in building processs to acquire the occupation done without bad luck ( Clough 1981 ) . Insurance coverages are complex, and each new building contract presents its ain jobs. The contractor should choose a competent insurance agent or agent who is experienced in building work and familiar with contractors ‘ insurance jobs. Without competent advice, the contractor is rather apt either to incur the gratuitous disbursal of overlapping protection or to expose himself to the danger of critical spreads in his insurance coverage. The contractor can frequently cut down his insurance cost by maintaining his representative advised in item as to the nature and behavior of his building operations ( Clough 1981 ) . There are many different types of building insurance coverages, and non every policy is applicable to any one building undertaking. The types vary for each undertaking. The undermentioned checklist ( Clough 170-173 ) is non represented as being a complete list of insurance that could be needed on a building undertaking or as portion of a hazard direction plan, but it does incorporate insurance coverages typical of the building industry. Property Insurance on UndertakingAll-risk builder ‘s hazard insurance – This insurance protects against all hazards of direct physical loss or harm to the undertaking or to associated stuffs and occupation equipment caused by any external consequence, with celebrated exclusions. Builder ‘s hazard fire insurance – The basic policy provides protection for the undertaking, including stored stuffs and occupation equipment, against direct loss by fire or lightning. A figure of separate indorsements to the builder ‘s hazard fire insurance policy are available that add coverage for specific losingss.Extended coverage indorsement – This covers belongings against all direct loss caused by windstorm, hail, detonation, public violence, civil disturbance, aircraft, vehicles, and fume.Vandalism and malicious mischievousness indorsementWater harm indorsement – Insurance of this type indemnifies for loss or harm caused by inadvertent discharge, escape, or overflow of H2O or steam. Included are faulty pipes, roofs, and H2O armored combat vehicles. This does non include harm caused by sprinkler escape, inundations, or high H2O. Earthquake insurance – This coverage may be provided by an indorsement to the builder ‘s hazard policy in some provinces. Elsewhere a separate policy must be issued. Bridge insurance – This insurance is of the inland Marine type and is frequently termed the span builder ‘s hazard policy. It affords protection during building against harm that may be caused by fire, lightning, inundation, ice, hit, detonation, public violence, hooliganism, air current, twister, and temblor. Steam boiler and machinery insurance – A contractor or proprietor may buy this signifier of insurance when the boiler equipment of a edifice under building is being tested and balanced or when being used to heat the construction for stick oning, floor laying, or other intents. Unlike other belongings insurances listed here, this type includes some liability coverage. This policy covers any hurt or harm that may happen to or be caused by the boiler during its use by the contractor. Installation musca volitans policy – Insurance of this type provides protection for belongings of assorted sorts such as undertaking equipment and machinery ( heating and air conditioning systems, for illustration ) from the clip that it leaves the topographic point of cargo until it is installed on the undertaking and tested. Coverage terminates when the insured ‘s involvement in the belongings ceases, when the belongings is accepted, or when it is taken over by the proprietor. Property Insurance on Contractor ‘s Own PropertyFire insurance on contractor ‘s ain edifices – This coverage affords protection for offices, sheds, warehouses, and stored contents. Endorsements for extended coverage and for hooliganism and malicious mischievousness are besides available. Contractor ‘s equipment insurance – This type of policy, frequently termed a musca volitans, insures a contractor ‘s building equipment regardless of its location. Motor truck lading policy – This insurance covers loss by named jeopardies to stuffs or equipment carried on the contractor ‘s ain trucks from provider to warehouse or constructing site. Transportation musca volitans – Insurance of this type provides all-risk or named-peril protection for a contractor ‘s or proprietor ‘s edifice stuffs and equipment while being delivered. Burglary, robbery, and larceny insurance – This signifier of insurance protects the contractor against the loss of money or negotiable securities through burglary, larceny, robbery, devastation, disappearing, or unlawful abstraction. Fidelity bond – This surety bond affords the contractor protection against loss caused by dishonesty of their employees. Dishonesty, devastation, and disappearing policy – A comprehensive policy of this signifier protects against the loss of money and securities, on and off the premises, caused by dishonesty, cryptic disappearing, or devastation. It insures against dishonesty of employees, loss of money and securities, loss of securities in safety sedimentation, and counterfeit. Valuable documents devastation insurance – This policy protects the contractor against the loss, harm, or devastation of valuable documents such as books, records, maps, drawings, abstracts, workss, mortgages, contracts, and paperss. It does non cover loss by malposition, unexplained disappearing, wear and tear, impairment, varmint, or war. Liability InsuranceEmployer ‘s liability insurance – This insurance is customarily written in combination with workingmans ‘s compensation insurance. It affords the contractor wide coverage for personal hurt or decease of an employee in the class of his employment, but outside of and distinct from any claims under workingmans ‘s compensation Torahs. Contractor ‘s public liability and belongings harm insurance – This insurance protects the contractor from his legal liability for hurts to individuals non in his employ and for harm to the belongings of others, which belongings is non in the contractor ‘s attention, detention, or control, when such hurts or damage originate out of the operations of the contractor. Contractor ‘s protective public and belongings harm liability insurance – This protects the contractor against his liability imposed by jurisprudence originating out of Acts of the Apostless or skips of his subcontractors. Contractual liability insurance – This signifier of insurance is required when one party to a contract, by footings of that contract, assumes certain legal liabilities of the other party. The usual signifiers of liability insurance do non afford this coverage. Owner ‘s protective liability insurance – This insurance protects the proprietor from his contingent liability for amendss originating from the operations of the contractor of his subcontractors. Completed operations liability insurance – This signifier of insurance protects the contractor from harm claims stemming from his alleged faulty public presentation on undertakings since completed and handed over to the proprietor. The usual signifiers of liability insurance provide protection merely while the contractor is executing his work and non after it has been competed and accepted by the proprietor. Employee InsuranceWorkmen ‘s compensation insurance – This insurance provides all benefits required by jurisprudence to employees killed or injured in the class of their employment. Old age, subsisters ‘ , and disablement insurance – This all-federal insurance system operated by the United States authorities provides old-age benefits to an insured worker and his household, subsister ‘s benefits to his household when the worker dies, and disablement benefits. Unemployment insurance – This federal-state insurance program provides workers with a hebdomadal income during periods of unemployment between occupations. Disability insurance – This insurance, required by some provinces, provides benefits to employees for disablements caused by non-occupational accidents and disease. Motor Vehicle InsuranceAssorted signifiers of insurance are available in connexion with ownership and usage of cars and trucks. Liability coverages protect the contractor against third-party claims of bodily hurt or belongings harm affecting the contractor ‘s vehicles or non-owned vehicles that are used in his involvement. Collision insurance, together with comprehensive fire and larceny coverage, indemnifies the contractor for harm to his ain vehicles. Business, Accident, and Life InsuranceBusiness break insurance – This insurance is designed to reimburse the proprietor for losingss suffered because of and break of his concern. Sole proprietary insurance – A policy of this type provides hard currency to help inheritors in go oning or disposing of the concern without forfeit in the even of decease of the proprietor. Accident insurance on spouses or cardinal work forcesLife insurance on spouses or cardinal work forces – This insurance reimburses the concern for fiscal loss ensuing from the decease of a cardinal adult male in the concern. It besides builds up a sinking fund to be available on his retirement. Group life insurance – contractors frequently purchase life insurance for their employees. This affords protection for each participant at a low group cost, the premium for which may be paid entirely or partially by the contractor. Extra sums can frequently be purchased by the employees at their ain disbursal. Group hospitalization insurance – such insurance screens hospitalization and surgical disbursals incurred by covered employees. Policies are frequently written to include the households of the employees. A part of the premium may be paid by the employer and the balance by the persons insured. It is of import to retrieve that insurance used in hazard direction, is valuable merely every bit long as the insurance policy is in consequence. The cancellation of an insurance policy can be lay waste toing if a loss occurs during a period for which no coverage exists. Although an proprietor may non be in a place to qualify that insurance policies can non be canceled, added protection is assured if the proprietor requires anterior presentment of such a cancellation ( Hinze 2001 ) . Surety bonds and insurance are considered to both be inactive hazard transportation devices paid for by premiums. In general, these are the lone chief similarities between these two hazard direction tools. The chief difference between insurance and surety bonds is that insurance companies presuppose that losingss will happen and surety bond companies do non presuppose that losingss will go on refering the building undertaking ( Haltenhoff 294 ) . If the contractor fails to execute in conformity with the contract, a bond can protect the proprietor. Sometimes an proprietor requires a bond from the contractor before a building undertaking is started. Many times, cogent evidence on the portion of the contractor is required to demo if the contractor is able to obtain the defined bond required by the proprietor. The proprietor may pay for this bond but wants to cognize before come ining into an understanding the sum of money required. If a contrac ­tor has an understanding with an proprietor to execute a certain range of work for a specific monetary value and does n't finish the work, the adhering company will either pay for work to be completed or happen person to finish the work. However, the bonding company is responsible merely up to the sum of the contract ( Gould 2003 ) . Surety bonds underwrite a fiscal duty of one party to another much the same as when a note co-signer hacks up a borrower of financess. If the borrower fails to refund the financess harmonizing to the note ‘s judicial admissions, the co-signer is lawfully obligated to make so. When this occurs, the co-signer ‘s resort is to seek restitu ­tion from the borrower ( Haltenhoff 294 ) . In the building industry, a surety bond is a pledge from a 3rd party ( the Surety ) to finish a contracted duty to a 2nd party ( the Owner ) made by a first party ( the Contractor ) who can non, for whatever ground, finish the contracted duty to the 2nd party. A surety bureau is paid a premium by the contractor for pro ­viding the bond to the proprietor, and the cost of the bond is passed on to the proprietor as portion of the contractor ‘s cost of the undertaking ( Haltenhoff 294 ) . Unlike a building insurance policy, a surety ‘s credence of a contractor as a client is based on the con ­tractor ‘s fiscal resources and public presentation record, non on fiscal ability to pay premiums. The contractor ‘s capacity sing their fiscal resources and public presentation record must be established and maintained to the satisfaction of the surety if a surety-contractor relationship is to be. The fiscal and capital assets of a contractor are an indicant of ability to refund the surety if the contractor defaults on a undertaking and the surety becomes must go involved. Normally, a con ­tractor ‘s fiscal province determines the size of the building undertakings in which the contractor can offer and obtain. A contractor with considerable assets will be permitted by the surety to offer and work on undertakings that contractors with lesser assets will non. By set uping adhering capacities, sureties determine which contractors can offer which undertaki ngs ( Haltenhoff 294 ) . The building contractor is obligated to refund all costs expended by the surety to finish the contractor ‘s duties, even if it forces the contractor into bankruptcy. If the con ­tractor defers to its surety, even though the contractor to the full repays the surety, the surety may break up its relationship with the contractor. Once dropped by a surety, a con ­tractor normally will hold great trouble happening another surety company willing to supply a surety bond. Because surety bonds are required on most public sector undertakings and many private sec ­tor undertakings, losing a bonding beginning excludes a contractor from a big portion of the building market topographic point ( Haltenhoff 294 ) . Since it takes considerable clip, attempt, and resources to restore a building company as bindable, it is ne'er in the involvement of the company to be put in a place of defaulting on a surety. There are many types of surety bonds and three of them are signally of import to con ­struction undertaking bringing: command bonds, public presentation bonds, and labour and material bonds ( Haltenhoff 1998 ) . Haltenhoff described them as: Bid bonds replace teller ‘s cheques on undertakings where a command security is required as portion of a contractor ‘s command. The command security backs up a bidder ‘s pledge to accept a con ­tract award if offered. If the contractor refuses an award, or for some ground can non come in into the contract, an sum equal to the difference between the contractor ‘s command and the following highest command is forfeited by the contractor to the proprietor ( normally as liqui ­dated amendss ) . As liquidated amendss, the sum forfeited can non transcend the difference between the commands or the face value of the command security, whichever is less. If a command bond is provided as security, the surety is pledged to pay the difference, if the contractor fails to make so. The extent of the surety ‘s engagement is stated in the bonding papers. Performance bonds backs up an awarded contractor ‘s pledge to finish his contracted duty to the exact demands and footings of the contract paperss. In the event it is determined that the contractor will non or can non finish his obliga ­tions, the surety is pledged to accept the duty in sort for the contracted sum. The surety has several options. The contractor can be retained by the surety and be made to finish the undertaking. The surety can replace the contractor with another contractor ( s ) . The surety can pay the proprietor the face value of the public presentation bond. In either of the first two options, the outstanding sum due the contractor at the point of default is paid to the surety when earned, harmonizing to the footings of the contract. The nature and extent of the surety ‘s engagement and its specific options are stated in the public presentation bond. Labor and material payment bonds protect the proprietor from paying twice for the labour, stuffs, and services in project building. In the event a party that docs non hold a contract with the proprietor but who has one with a party that has a contract with the proprietor is non paid by the party with the contract, the party that was non paid normally has a legal right to reassign the unpaid sum to the proprietor for direct payment. Most provinces have mechanic ‘s lien Torahs that allow unpaid parties to efficaciously go co-owners of an proprietor ‘s belongings to the dollar value of the unpaid sum. To cast the co-owner ‘s fiscal rights under the lien, the proprietor must pay the sum owed, irrespective of whether or non it was antecedently paid by the proprietor to the party who owed the money to the claimant. The labour and material payment bond shifts the duty for payment to a surety, alleviating the proprietor of the claim. In some legal powers, liens against publ ic belongings are non permitted to supply the same fiscal claim chance to contractors and providers involved in public undertakings, parties who hold contracts with proprietors must supply a labour and material payment bond. The extent and footings of the surety ‘s duty is stated in the bond provided to the proprietor by the contractor. In building, contractors maintain something called an experience qualifier, which is numerical in nature. A contractors ‘ experience qualifier ( EMR ) encourages contractors to better their safety public presentation while leting the insurance industry to roll up the needed financess to pay for the losingss. The insurance premium nest eggs offered through the experience-rating program about ever outweigh the disbursal needed to better safety public presentation. In other words, safety does so pay. Owners use the EMR to estimate the safety public presentation and experience of the general contractor or premier contractor, and the general contractor uses it to estimate the safety public presentation and experience of its subcontractors. An experience qualifier of.80 agencies that the contractor will have a 20 per centum price reduction on its workers ‘ compensation premium. A contractor with an experience qualifier of 1.20 will pay a 20 per centum surcharge on its workers à ¢â‚¬Ëœ compensation premium ( Lew 1999 ) . The experience qualifier is something that is normally an of import portion of the hazard direction plan. A batch of determinations based upon analysis are focused around how they will impact the EMR. Harmonizing to J.J. Lew ( 1999 ) , an experience qualifier had the undermentioned features for a contractor:An EMR is more a contemplation of past safety public presentation than current safety public presentation. The EMR is calculated by three full old ages of paysheet and loss information, stoping one twelvemonth prior to the effectual day of the month of the qualifier. A contractor might hold experienced good safety public presentation in the past, but has let the safety procedure oversight, and will non see the effects for possibly one or two old ages.Under a traditional CCIP or OCIP, the employer ‘s experience rate is the rate the employer has with the province for that peculiar policy twelvemonth as written by its bearer of record. Under a wrap-up, one EMR evaluation is est ablished for the full undertaking and the experience is determined by loss choices conducted by the insurance bearer that is composing the policy. This evaluation does non go with the employer — it is merely used for the wrap-up undertaking. In one case, it does go, and that is if there are subsequent stages of the same undertaking.In puting up a Controlled Insurance Program on a undertaking, it is noted that a significant sum of item is necessary in these plans. How these inside informations are administratively handled tends to order the success of the plan. If set up decently, the followers can besides be considered good due to execution of a CIP:Administrative betterments. CIP plans provide a system for tracking insurance credits, paysheets, and fiscal coverage on a building site. In add-on, certifications of insurance do non hold to be checked for each contractor at the jobsite, extinguishing the possibility of doing mistakes in look intoing the certifications of insuran ce for each contractor. CIP besides allows for a system for maintaining path of a contractor ‘s experience qualifier ( EMR ) . With a CIP, there is merely one certification of insurance, thereby extinguishing confusion.Improved undertaking safety. The usage of a CIP enables the operation of an efficient, cost effectual, and results-oriented safety plan. This is made possible through the usage of a co-ordinated attack to project safety, typically through the usage of a Program Safety Consultant. In add-on, smaller subcontractors may non be able to supply sophisticated loss control plans on their ain. By utilizing the CIP, the smaller subcontractors can take advantage of extremely proficient skilled safety directors and loss control forces.Proactive. CIP plans are proactive in that through better planning, belongings harm accidents can be reduced or kept from happening while still easing the timely completion of the building undertaking.Allows for competitory commands. The prima ry benefit that a CIP provides to an proprietor is the chance for obtaining more competitory commands for its building undertakings. This decrease in undertaking cost is made possible by liberating the contractor and all tier subcontractors from the legion and time-consuming insurance-related duties at a building site ( Lew 1999 ) . Godfrey ( 1996 ) found that the greatest grade of uncertainness is encountered early in the life of a new undertaking. Decisions taken during the earliest phases of a undertaking can hold a really big impact on its concluding cost, and continuance. Change is an ineluctable characteristic of any major capital undertaking, but its extent is often underestimated during these early stages ( Mills 246 ) . A technique frequently ignored is to avoid claims is cultivation of a good client relationship. Honesty in attack, regard for the client ‘s intelligence, grasp of the proper function of a professional advisor, and common courtesy ( replying phone calls and letters ) are possibly the best techniques to avoid claims and manage building hazards. These are non-legal considerations in add-on to other types of pull offing hazards ( Sweet 316 ) . In the terminal, the load of duty for placing hazards and covering with them remains with the party that carries the hazard. Appendix 1 contains a checklist of points to be considered in a hazard direction plan provided by the Association of General Contractors ( 2001 ) . Risk direction will non take all hazard from a building undertaking ; its chief focal point is to guarantee that hazards are managed in the most efficient mode. Undertaking directors will acknowledge that the clients must ever transport certain residuary hazards. This hazard must be analyzed in an organized and systematic manner sing the full impact of clip and cost on the undertaking. Risk direction is non intended to kill off worthwhile undertakings, or to stifle degrees of investing. It aims to guarantee that merely undertakings that are truly worthwhile are sanctioned. When using hazard direction techniques, the attitude of the director is of import and stairss should be taken to guarantee that every bit much pragmatism as possible is included in the analysis. Risk direction should be viewed as a positive procedure, and can be one of the most originative undertakings of the undertaking director. Its purpose is to bring forth realistic outlooks and increase the control of the procedure. In add-on, it can open the manner to happening advanced solutions that may non hold otherwise been considered ( Mills 251 ) . Appendix 1 Insurance/Risk Management ChecklistWorkers CompensationIncrease employers liability bound to $ 1,000,000Reviewed alternate evaluation programs, confined, self-insurance, deductibles, etc.Coverage applicable in all but monopolistic fund provincesDefense Base ActVoluntary compensation coverageStatus of executive officers or spousesStatus of United States-based employees sent outside the stateForeign employeesAircraft indorsementRepatriation disbursalUnited States Longshoremen ‘s and Harbor workers ‘ Compensation Act, Maritime, and Jones Act exposuresFederal employers liability coverageStop-gap employers liability coverageWorkers compensation deductibles, where permittedPolicy day of the months consistent with umbrella extra liability coverageJoint venture policiesChecked categorizations and auditsChecked overtime chargesOver-controlled, contractor controlled or other wrap-up plansExperience Rating ModifierBroad signifier named insuredCoverage for newly-formed entitiesAdvanc e notice of cancellation by earner, 60 twenty-four hours notice of cancellation and/or non-renewalBlanket release of subrogation if required by contractCommercial General Liability ( CGL )Happening ( CGL ) policy form— $ 1 million/ $ 2 million/ $ 2 millionOmission of selected contractual liability exclusionsCompleted operations and merchandises liability coverageBroad signifier belongings harm coverage broadenedChecked pollution coverage for jobsitesNotice of happening amendedNo exclusion of detonation, prostration, or belowground harmPersonal hurt liability coverage, take exclusion ( 4 )Limits of liabilityGeneral sum bound considerationsPer undertaking sum and per locations Broad signifier named insured indorsementBlanket extra insured if required by contractBlanket release of subrogation if required by contractVerified wide signifier liability extensions includedAdditional insured/protective liability demandsAdequate fire legal liability coverage and/or release of subrogati on for harm to leased premisesVerified host spirits liability coverage includedEmployee benefit liability coverage, bound of $ 1 millionCoverage for foreign operationsPolicy day of the months consistent with umbrella extra liability coverageOwned or non-owned watercraft liability coverageOwned or non-owned aircraft liability coverageLimits of liability consistent with extra umbrella demands for underlyingJoint venture yesteryear and nowadaysResidual wrap-up coverageCoverage for newly-formed entitiesAdvance notice of cancellation by earner, 60-day notice of cancellation/non-renewalBusiness Car PolicyLiability coverage applicable to any car, symbol â€Å" 1 †Minimum limits— $ 1 millionCheck nomadic equipment against car definitionsComplete and accurate agenda of cars, garage locations, coverages, and deductiblesAutomatic coverage for to boot acquired cars without notice to earnerAutomatic coverage for car physical harmAuto medical payments coveragePersonal hurt protectio n, if desiredNo-fault benefits, where applicableUnderinsured automobilists liability coverageDrive other auto coverage optionsAssigned drivers who have no personal car insurancePartnerships: Status of non-owned car coveragesAdditional insured ‘s: LessorsIndividual named insured indorsementAuto physical harm coverageDistinct coverages and deductibles by categorizations of carsDeductibles applicable to comprehensive coverageDeductibles applicable to hit coverageConsideration of alternate deductible degrees, premiumsHired carsForeign car exposuresPolitician